- If you have no knowledge of Korean, please do not take the placement test. Take Korean 1, 2, 3 series.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language informally at home or formally in high school and would like to fulfill the one-year foreign language
requirement, you are required to take the Korean Proficiency Test I and II
- The placement test is composed of three parts, Part 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar), Part 2 (Speaking) and Part 3 (Writing).
- Part 1 should be taken online on designated dates and Parts 2 and 3 are taken in a separate session with a Korean instructor.
- The Korean proficiency test is arranged only one time each year, before Fall quarter. Please contact Language Center for information on test schedules and registration.
- If you have no knowledge of Korean, please do not take the placement test. Take Korean 1,2,3,21,22, 23,101,102,103 series in order.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language formally in high schools and would like to fulfill the one-year foreign language requirement, you are required to take the Korean proficiency test I and II.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language formally in colleges or universities more than 2 years and would like to fulfill the two-year foreign language requirement, you are required to take the Korean Proficiency Test I and II.
- The placement test is composed of three parts,Part 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar), Part 2 (Speaking) and Part 3 (Writing).
- Part 1 should be taken online on designated dates and Parts 2 and 3 are taken in a separate session with a Korean instructor.
- The Korean proficiency test is arranged only one time each year, before Fall quarter. Please contact Language Center for information on test schedules and registration.
- If you are a graduate student and would like to fulfill the reading ability requirement in Korean as a foreign language, you are required to take the translation exam, English into Korean or Korean into English, as your department requests.
- You will translate an article written in Korean or English for one hour. You may use Korean-English/English-Korean dictionary.
- The Reading Ability Test is arranged whenever there is an official request from your department administrator during quarters.