Placement Tests

For Undergraduates

- If you have no knowledge of Korean, please do not take the placement test. Take Korean 1, 2, 3 series.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language informally at home or formally in high school and would like to fulfill the one-year foreign language requirement, you are required to take the Korean Proficiency Test I and II

- The placement test is composed of three parts, Part 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar), Part 2 (Speaking) and Part 3 (Writing).
- Part 1 should be taken online on designated dates and Parts 2 and 3 are taken in a separate session with a Korean instructor.

- The Korean proficiency test is arranged only one time each year, before Fall quarter. Please contact Language Center for information on test schedules and registration.

For Graduates of the Center for East Asian Studies,

- If you have no knowledge of Korean, please do not take the placement test. Take Korean 1,2,3,21,22, 23,101,102,103 series in order.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language formally in high schools and would like to fulfill the one-year foreign language requirement, you are required to take the Korean proficiency test I and II.
- If you have been to exposed to the Korean language formally in colleges or universities more than 2 years and would like to fulfill the two-year foreign language requirement, you are required to take the Korean Proficiency Test I and II.

- The placement test is composed of three parts,Part 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar), Part 2 (Speaking) and Part 3 (Writing).
- Part 1 should be taken online on designated dates and Parts 2 and 3 are taken in a separate session with a Korean instructor.

- The Korean proficiency test is arranged only one time each year, before Fall quarter. Please contact Language Center for information on test schedules and registration.

For Graduates seeking the Reading Ability Test,

- If you are a graduate student and would like to fulfill the reading ability requirement in Korean as a foreign language, you are required to take the translation exam, English into Korean or Korean into English, as your department requests.

- You will translate an article written in Korean or English for one hour. You may use Korean-English/English-Korean dictionary.

- The Reading Ability Test is arranged whenever there is an official request from your department administrator during quarters.