Courses and Units

How do I know which Korean language class to sign up for?

The Korean language coordinator will tell you which level to sign up for after you take the Korean language placement exams. See Placement Tests to find out more about the Korean placement exams.

Can non-Stanford students audit or take Korean language class for credit?

No. Korean language classes are only open to undergraduate and graduate students officially enrolled at Stanford. Please check out the course offerings at continuing studies.

Can I take Korean language classes "credit/no credit" rather than for a letter grade?

Yes. You can start at the beginning of any quarter as long as your ability matches the level of one of the classes.

Can I start Korean mid-year?

Yes. You can start at the beginning of any quarter as long as your ability matches the level of one of the classes.

Who teaches the Korean language classes?

The name of the instructor is posted on the time schedule every quarter.

Can I take Korean language if I am a graduate student? As a graduate student, may I sign up for fewer credits than listed on the time schedule?

Yes, graduate students may take Korean language and may sign up for fewer credits than listed on the time schedule. Please ask the Korean language coordinator for details. However, undergraduates may not sign up for fewer credits than listed on the time schedule.

I like to learn languages, but could not pursue a minor in Korean. Is there anything I can do?

Consider pursuing the Minor in Modern Languages, which is designed to acknowledge your proficiency in two languages. Please visit the Minor in Modern Languages for more details.

What kind of other resources are there for me to practice Korean at Stanford?

The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) offers Program for Advanced Language Maintenance (PALM). PALM for Korean meets once or twice a week in an informal but structured setting to discuss topics of interest under the guidance of native speakers. For more information, visit the CEAS website.