Stanford University Mathematics Department
Math 51H, Autumn 2015
For a printable pdf version of this document click here
Math. 51H is designed to give a rigorous freshman introduction to linear
algebra and multivariable analysis.
Course Content:
A tentative schedule for the entire quarter
can be found at
Mon,Tue, Wed, Thu 9:30-10:20 in room 380-380C, beginning Monday
September 21.From Wednesday, September 23, we start the class at
9:25am (and end at 10:15)
Class meets with the TA for a problem/review session at the same time
& location on Friday of each week.
In addition, there will be optional additional meetings with the TA on
Tuesdays at 4:30pm, Room 380F, during the first part of the course to
provide help with proofwriting.
Exception: during the first week of classes, the optional
meeting with the TA is on Thursday at 4:30pm, Room Hewlett 101.
No proofwriting section on Tuesday, Oct 13, due to midterm;
instead TA will have regular office hours for last minute questions.
"An introduction to multivariable mathematics" by Leon Simon (Required)
Note: An electronic version (pdf eBook) is provided by the publisher at
(no charge to Stanford students-SUNet ID
required; you will also be able to use this link when you are off-campus, but for that you first need to
configure your browser as described in
(Should also be accessible from
All homework and course announcements (including for example solutions to homework problems and exams) will be accessed via this page.
Homework will be assigned on the web-page each
Friday, and will be due on the following Friday at the TA section with the exception of
the first problem set, which is due on Monday, September 28, in lecture. In all there will
be 10 homework assignments, with 2 problem sets being due on the
second week (on Monday and Friday, respectively). The
first homework will be posted on Sunday September 20 at:
Note: The homework problems form an integral part of the course; they are easily the most
reliable check of your progress in assimilating the material in a manner which is sufficiently deep to allow you to solve problems which are at least one level
removed from routine application of definitions and formulae. While it is quite O.K. (and even encouraged) for you to discuss the
problems in general terms with your peers, it is expected that what you hand in is your own work, and not a joint project of
several people; i.e. you may NOT systematically work together with others on the homework problems, and such behavior would
constitute a violation of the Honor Code
Mid-term Exam 1: Tuesday, October 13, 7-8:15pm in 380-380C
Mid-term Exam 2: Tuesday, November 10, 7-8:15pm in 380-380C
Final Examination: Monday, December 7, 7:00-9:00pm, in 380-380X
The make-up time for the mid-terms is available only for students who have a clash with or some other class AND BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT. Other make-up times for the mid-terms will be available only in exceptional circumstances
AND BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT; if you think such exceptional circumstances apply to you, you should
email the instructor
(andras@math) immediately,
setting out the details of why you cannot take one or both of the mid-term exams at the scheduled time.
The final examination time (7:00-9:00pm on Monday December 7) is officially scheduled by
the Registrar's Office, and cannot be varied.
You should routinely check the "current announcements" on the home-page, since this provides you with the latest information
relating to any aspects of the course (e.g. corrections to homework, arrangements for mid-terms, notes or corrections concerning
material covered in the lectures, etc.).
Mid-term 1: 25%
Mid-term 2: 25%
Homework: 15%
Final Exam: 35%
Honor Code:
Please be sure you are aware of the requirements of
the Stanford Honor Code and your
responsibilities under the code.