Linguist 278: Programming for Linguists — Extras

Command-line utilities

  1. The Click library
  2. subprocess
  3. Example: CSV viewer
  4. Example: CSV viewer with Click
  5. Example: Interactive annotation with Click

Web scraping

  1. The requests library
  2. The Beautiful Soup library
  3. Scrapy
  4. Notebook: Examples with requests and Beautiful Soup [HTML; solved version; solved HTML]

Scientific computing in Python

  1. My introduction to machine learning with Python and scikit-learn
  2. NumPy
  3. NumPy tutorial
  4. SciPy
  5. StatsModels
  6. scikit-learn

Working with datetime objects

  1. datetime: Basic date and time types
  2. Automate the Boring Stuff, Chapter 15: Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs
  3. Pandas tutorials and interfaces for working with datetime and timeseries data

Simple Web programs with CGI

  1. cgi: Common Gateway Interface support
  2. Notes on using Stanford’s computing resources
  3. Simple Python CGI program for adding numbers
  4. Python CGI program for obscuring email addresses on the Web without burdening the user
