Command-line utilities
- The Click library
- subprocess
- Example: CSV viewer
- Example: CSV viewer with Click
- Example: Interactive annotation with Click
Web scraping
- The requests library
- The Beautiful Soup library
- Scrapy
- Notebook: Examples with requests and Beautiful Soup [HTML; solved version; solved HTML]
Scientific computing in Python
- My introduction to machine learning with Python and scikit-learn
- NumPy
- NumPy tutorial
- SciPy
- StatsModels
- scikit-learn
Working with datetime objects
- datetime: Basic date and time types
- Automate the Boring Stuff, Chapter 15: Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs
- Pandas tutorials and interfaces for working with datetime and timeseries data
Simple Web programs with CGI
- cgi: Common Gateway Interface support
- Notes on using Stanford’s computing resources
- Simple Python CGI program for adding numbers
- Python CGI program for obscuring email addresses on the Web without burdening the user