Feminist Studies 101





Summary of written assignments
Grading guidelines
Small group instructions
     Initial instructions
     Group process
     Suggested discussion questions
     Advice from previous years' students


Summary of Written Assignments

All written work must be printed, double spaced, 12 point font, with one inch margins; all written work must be submitted on the due date, by the time deadline. Late papers will be downgraded a full grade per day and will not be accepted after one day. Extensions and incompletes will not be granted EXCEPT in the case of medical or family emergencies (in these cases, please contact T.A. or instructor as soon as possible).

Due? Length Graded?      Topic
1st section 1-2 pp N Emecheta, Joys of Motherhood
2nd section 1-2 pp N Document analysis
3rd section 5 pp Y Woolf, Three Guineas
Oct. 29 1 p N Small group mid-quarter self-assessment
Nov. 5 5 pp Y Social Policy
Nov. 21 1-2 pp N Readings/film response on violence
Dec. 5 5-6 pp N Small group summary/evaluation
Dec. 14 10 pp Y Take-home final (identifications and essay)

Ungraded papers will give teaching staff a chance to provide feedback on your analytic and writing skills without the pressure of grades. They will also help you prepare for section discussions.

Section leaders may assign periodic oral reports on films, documents, or articles if they feel it will help discussion and analysis.

Students who wish to complete a 6th unit should submit written responses (ungraded) each week, incorporating required films and reading assignments. All responses must be submitted on time in section during the week of the reading to count towards the extra unit. Weekly responses will help in section and with graded papers.

Grading Guidelines

Some tips for graded papers: We are interested in how well you comprehend the issues raised in readings, lectures, and films and in your abilities to express your views clearly and persuasively. Papers will be evaluated on clarity of argument, use of evidence, and stylistic presentation. For most papers, state your thesis or argument at the outset, then structure the paper clearly to establish your points. Use topic sentences to show where the paper is going. Avoid overgeneralization (re: historical periods, cultures, classes, races, etc.; look for patterns but be aware of distinctions). Some common pitfalls: women are victims; nothing changes; my experience (personal, family, group) is the most relevant; my experience (personal, family, group) is not relevant (i.e., "I can't speak because I'm not the most oppressed"). Please consult with your section leader if you have any questions about how to respond to the written assignments.

Grade breakdown:

25 % Section (attendance; arrive on time; submit all required responses on time/quality of responses; engage in discussion with other students) and Small Group (full attendance and evaluation paper on time, complete action project). Students who do not complete the entire small group requirement will receive a failing grade for this section of the course and risk failing the course.
15 % Woolf paper
20 % Policy paper
40 % Take home final (10% identifications, 30% essay from choice of topics)

We also take into account improvement in writing and thinking over the quarter. If your final grade is on the cusp, for example, improvement can push it up from, e.g., B to B+ or A- to A.

All written work is conducted according to the Honor Code. Your work is your own and should not be shared with any other students. You may discuss outlines and drafts of your papers with any of the teaching staff.

Small Group Guidelines & Discussion questions

Initial Instructions

Small groups are intended to encourage peer discussion of the issues raised by the class. They are based on the belief that exploring both common and differing personal responses to the ideas raised in class can broaden our base of knowledge and break down resistance to learning new ideas. Students will receive a handout on how to run small groups (also available on the course WEB page)

Groups of no more than five students each (randomly assigned) will meet weekly at least seven times during the quarter. Each session should last approximately one and a half hours (minimum one hour, maximum two hours). Since we do not have lectures on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:15, this is one suggested time for meeting; in the past some groups have met after class, or in the evenings or on weekends.

Group lists will circulate at the third class meeting (10/3) and one member will be responsible for emailing others to set up an initial meeting time. Please coordinate schedules carefully to find a permanent, regular meeting time when ALL members can attend. From past experience, it is important not to shift meeting times. The most successful groups included members who were committed to the time and to being ON TIME for each meeting. It is extremely disrespectful to other students to come late to small group meetings. You can meet in a dorm room or reserved lounge area, an unused classroom, or off campus. Past experience suggests that it is not a good idea to meet in a public place like the Coffee House or a restaurant, or a well-traveled lounge.

If there are initial scheduling problems in a group, changes can be made ONLY BEFORE OCTOBER 10. Please notify the instructors about problems; we will try to accommodate any shifts before the next class. Please do not ask to change groups in order to be in a group with a friend or house mate. Student feedback has suggested that it is better not to know other group members well already.

The first meeting should take place by October 14 and the last scheduled meeting by December 3. To receive credit for this course you must participate in at least seven small group meetings. Groups may want to meet an additional time as well. In case of medical or family emergency, please contact a group member and report your necessary absence to your T.A. Please inform the teaching staff if any group is having a problem about attendance or scheduling.

Groups should spend sometime during the week of October 22 assessing their procedures and suggesting any changes. Each member should bring a short, written assessment to the group meeting and also submit it to Professor Freedman in class on October 29. After discussing the evaluations, all members of the group should sign a statement of what is working and what needs to change in the group and submit it to Professor Freedman on October 29.

Guidelines for the final small group evaluation papers (due December 5) will be provided in class. The paper will ask for a summary of each meeting and an assessment of the group's "action project," a voluntary or creative project that groups will report on in a relevant class or during the last week of classes.

Once your group has formed, here are some guidelines for running it


At the first group meeting, the following format is strongly recommended (based on prior student evaluations): each student should have 5-10 minutes of uninterrupted time to introduce her/himself, stating something about personal background and motivations for taking the course, responses to feminism, or concerns about the subject matter. After each student has spoken, the group members can ask questions or respond. At subsequent sessions, the group can decide whether to follow the uninterrupted time format or to open to general discussion. MANY STUDENT EVALUATIONS HAVE STRESSED THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUING TO USE THIS FORMAT ALMOST EVERY WEEK. It is a good idea to appoint a different member as time-keeper for each session, to keep others to the limit and/or to keep track of how long the group runs.

It is the responsibility of all group members to try to assure equal time for each member to speak. Listening is as important as speaking in the group. Practice attentive listening at the first meeting. If some students are more vocal and others more quiet, use the uninterrupted time to start off each week to encourage participation. The group might want to discuss the dynamics of participation if anyone feels that conversation is too weighted towards certain speakers, topics, or points of view. Each group should devote part of one session (during October 22-28) to an evaluation of group process. Each member should bring to this meeting a one page mid-term assessment of how the group is working and your own role within it. All members should sign a one-page summary assessment with suggestions for change. BRING BOTH INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ASSESSMENTS TO CLASS ON OCTOBER 29.

Each group is required to complete an action or service project. Please start discussing the possibilities by the third group meeting and submit your ideas so far with the assessment.

Confidentiality and Content:

Small groups must be respectful of confidentiality. No one is required to reveal personal thoughts or experiences--share ONLY what you are comfortable sharing. At the first session, each group should establish a rule of confidentiality: any information that is shared remains within the group unless the speaker gives permission to repeat it outside the group.

Small groups provide a space to talk with peers, away from faculty, about the personal issues raised by this course. Although groups are not intended to analyze readings per se--that task will be covered in sections--students are welcome to refer to readings, lectures, and films in their discussions. In groups, your own experiences, whether in families, schools, or work places, can be discussed to the extent that you are comfortable doing so.

Your group can generate its own topics for discussion, or you can use questions raised in lecture or section. The instructors will sometimes make suggestions for possible small group topics; others are listed below. In the past, some groups have used responses to newspaper articles or events on campus to stimulate discussion. Others have told parts of their life stories as they relate to that week's topic in class. When in doubt, go around the group, listening attentively, in response to the question: How does this week's topic affect me personally? Many students report that groups allowed them to see the ways that their responses to the issues raised in class were similar, or different, from those of other students. Respect for different cultural backgrounds, values, and life experiences is, of course, critical to small group process. Listening and learning, rather than agreeing, is the goal.


Only one set of readings is required for small groups (Allen "Free Space," Peslikis, "Resistance to CR", and Uttal, "Nods That Silence," in RDR and listed on syllabus after 1/17). These short essays are historical documents from second-wave U.S. feminism intended to give you a feeling for the ways small groups functioned then and some of the issues you might also encounter. Complete these readings before the first meeting.

In addition to the mid-quarter assessment due October 29, each student is required to submit a 5-6 page (ungraded) paper reviewing each meeting of the small group and responding to several questions about the overall experience. I will hand out clear guidelines a week or two in advance. The paper is due on the last day of class, December 5. To prepare for writing this paper, I strongly recommend that each student keep a journal or a set of notes about each meeting, preferably written soon after the session. A few paragraphs each week on what you learned from the experience, from others, and how this learning related to the lectures, readings, and films, will provide the bulk of your evaluation paper, along with overall reflections on the group process. Keeping a journal will allow this paper to write itself for the most part; students have reported that it is critical to record your reflections each week. Several students have recommended starting off a group by reading from your journals from the previous session.

If you have questions about small group, bring them up with the instructors. You may also raise questions about small group process in the group, especially when you do your mid-quarter assessment of the group.

Suggested Discussion Topics [we will offer others during the quarter]

The following list suggests some possible topics, geared to course issues, that you might use at the first or subsequent meetings. They are not required topics; the group can generate ideas from course materials and events in the world. Feel free to select questions from different weeks if they come up for your group sooner. You can start out by sharing thoughts on the reading (3 essays in RDR). For Part I and Part II:

Week 1. What kind of gender socialization did you experience in your family (models, training, warnings, etc.)? Any differences between male and female siblings? What gender roles did you observe in your family and community? How do you feel about terms like: feminist, girls/women, radical, or others that came up in definitions or class?

Week 2. How do you think that your race, class, ethnicity, or religious training influence your gender identity? How does the combination affect your response to what you are learning? What connections do you see between race and gender in your lives?

Week 3. Have you ever had an experience of "unlearning" racism, homophobia, or other forms of discrimination, that is, when your preconceptions about others, or yourself, have been changed by new information or experience? How does exposure to international feminisms influence your approach to course materials?
What kind of an action project might your group take on, something that is not time consuming but that puts your learning into practice in some way. How is your small group operating? One page signed evaluation required, with ideas for project.

Week 4. What kinds of work experiences have you had, in the family and the paid labor sphere, and what have you experienced in terms of gender expectations and opportunities? How does your gender make a difference in your future work and family goals?

Weeks 5 and 6. What kinds of personal choices do you feel you have made about health, beauty, sexuality, and reproduction? How do you balance cultural expectations and personal desires (e.g., issues ranging from makeup and fitness to sexual identity and childbearing goals)? How does gender, race, ethnicity, religion, etc., influence your choices? Here are some questions raised in the past (if any of these are too difficult to discuss personally, do not feel compelled to do so, but think about who you could discuss them with):
-Name one or more things you like about your body.
--What would you do if you [or your partner] were pregnant right now? (Under what conditions would that be possible, what options would you face, who could you ask for help in your decision? What personal and social support would could you draw on, what social policies would you want in place? What if any impact does your study of gender and feminism have on this scenario?)
--How do you think your family would respond if you told them you were gay, lesbian, bisexual, or queer-identified? How would you respond to their response? Who could you tell? How do you think your friends would respond? How does your study of gender and feminism affect your responses?

Week 7: How do you respond to cultural images of sexuality and violence? Bring copies of advertisements from popular magazines for men or women (and/or compare those from 20 years ago and from today).

How have you or those you know encountered/resisted sexual violence? What survival skills have you learned, not only about avoiding violence but about recovering from it? If this topic is not an easy on for you to discuss personally, do not feel compelled to do so, but think about who you could discuss it with.

Week 8. Talk about your language usage and share any forms of creative arts that you explore in your lives - how does this course affect them? Evaluate your action project. Evaluate the small group itself in preparation for your papers (due Dec. 5 before class).

Examples of past "Action Projects"
  • Dorm survey of body images
  • Field trip to Good Vibrations store, San Francisco
  • Field trip to feminist play and discussion
  • Poem collectively written by group with picture montages
  • "Day without Mirrors" project
  • Flyers around campus raising issues, using data from class
  • Group day of service at local shelter
  • CD compilation of feminist/related music

Advice from previous years' students: (also see margin notes)

  • Don't meet late Sunday nights!
  • If you meet in dorm rooms, rotate rooms
  • Make 5 minute listening/check in required
  • Rotate facilitators for each meeting so no one person feels responsible all the time
  • Don't change time and day for meetings - stick to same place so no one forgets where!
  • Speak up in evaluations, don't be afraid to say what you want to change
  • "I would tell future small groups what I have left with: be open to the fact that you may be pleasantly surprised by what you least expected."

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"The only advice I would give to future groups is do not be afraid to let go. Let it all go, put it out on the table, and see what happens. When this happens, the trust level in the group has no limit and true bonding can occur. Do not let your inhibitions hold you back, for you will regret them later."



"Lateness and absences definitely affected me in the group, as it made me tense and guilty and distracted. Our last two meetings were very low-energy; I wish we had maybe not forced ourselves to meet late at night (we met at 10 or 10:30 pm) and instead tried harder to make time when we were more awake and able to be there."



". . . suggest to people that at the end of their small groups they include a short, 5-10 minute time to journal about their discussions."



"Reviewing the small group, I wish I would have brought up my disagreements with the other group members more than I did. I believe this would have made some of the discussions more fruitful. This would be my suggestion for future small groups: do not be afraid of disagreements."




" . . . we decided to use the technique of 'checking in,' where we would go around and each person would get a chance to spout off on what they had been thinking about in terms of the class material or just in terms of their lives in general. This seemed to work well because it gave everyone an opportunity to comment about what had been on their minds and also provided a good starting point for conversation."



" . . . Folks who are talkative should check themselves by counting five seconds before they jump in."



"The only thing I would change about our group dynamic, if I were to go back and do it again, would be to incorporate the facilitation questions into our conversations. We were reluctant to structure our time together because we really cherished the open, personal atmosphere, but looking over the questions now, I think we could have had some really interesting and valuable discussions by addressing the questions. I would suggest that, in future small groups, students be encouraged to use the facilitation questions as much as possible, but also be reminded that small group should not be just a version of section without a TA: it should be a time to share, relate, and discuss with your peers in an open and unstructured way, but the suggested questions can lead to really interesting discussions."



". . . I think that it's important to stress that meetings should be held in a quiet, private, small space. Our group met in a small room with cozy chairs [seminar rooms in the basement of Stern Hall C students living in Stern should be encouraged to host meetings] and I don't think our discussions could have been as personal or fulfilling if we had been distracted by noises or other people."

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