to the second edition of Perspectives, the e-newsletter of the
Stanford course Perspectives in Assistive Technology.
This update of course events
encourages your participation through your attendance at lectures and
involvement in student projects.
Guest lecturer schedule - The schedule of guest
lecturers has been finalized. The presenters are a diverse collection of
notable professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users. Topics vary
from an overview of assistive technology to design challenges to product
commercialization to research studies to device fabrication to wheelchair
fabrication in developing countries. See the schedule on the course website for the complete
list. The lectures are open to the greater Stanford community - you need not be
a student to attend.
Students - Enrollment has been very strong this
year considering there is another month before the start of the Winter Quarter.
The class includes freshmen to fourth year graduate engineering students from
various disciplines as well as a few non-engineering students.
Class tours - There will be
class tour of the VA Palo Alto Health Care
System including a lecture by Dr. Graham Creasey, Chief of the Spinal Cord
Injury Service, a visit to its therapy area, demonstration of a driving
simulator, and walk through of an adapted van.
second tour will take the class to Menlo Park to
Willow Garage, makers of advanced robotic systems. In addition to a facilty
tour, Steve Cousins, CEO of Willow Garage, will discuss applications of their
robots to the needs of people with disabilties and seniors.
Classroom - The class is very fortunate to have
been assigned a very large, tiered, accessible classroom in the Main Quad.
Maps and directions to the classroom can be
found online.
call for student project ideas - A number of good student project
ideas have already been submitted. Additional suggestions are solicited,
especially those accompanied by support for project expenses. See the course
webpages for project requirements and
support. Coaches and assistive technology users
who can advise students are sought.
First class session - The
first class on Tuesday, January 4th will cover
an overview of the course and introduction to assistive technology. All
lectures (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:15pm) are open to the public.

you have a question or comment? - David L. Jaffe, MS, the
course organizer, can be reached by email or at 650/892-4464.