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Tuesday, March
Student Team Project
Final Presentations |
This quarter nine student teams have
been addressing problems experienced by individuals with disabilities or older
adults and have been working to research, brainstorm, design, fabricate, and
test a prototype device or software to meet the identified problem. Each
project team will give a formal presentation detailing their project
activities. Please note that this was a seven-week team project effort and the
students' prototypes are not intended to represent commercial
Presentation order:
- Elevator Pitch - Elevator
Button Pusher Project
- Buckle Up - Service Dog
Harness Buckle Project
- Travola - Dannys Lap
Tray Project
- Big Three - Dannys
Pick-up Project
- Kitty Kat Meow - Zirpolo
Hide-Away Lap Tray Project
- Tray-lblazers - Tray for Tony
- Abby's Assistants - Grocery
Shopping with Abby Project
- Magical Bridge Team - Magical
Bridge Playground Project: Caterpillar
- Mean Machine - Danny's
Wheelchair Cup & Phone Holder Project
Each student team will give their final
project presentation which should include the following elements:
- Introduction of team, its members,
and project
- Background: statement of problem,
its magnitude, and user population
- Interactions with project
suggestors and individuals who would benefit from a solution
- Identification and determination of
- Research of existing products and
discussion of their limitations
- Description and visualization of
design concepts considered and prototypes built
- Discussion of selected design:
technical and engineering elements, estimated cost, user acceptance
functionality, performance, safety considerations, tradeoffs, etc.
- Visualization of final prototype:
photographs and/or video of operation with a user
- Plans for the future: improvements
and challenges for continuing the project
Judge the overall quality of the
presentation, design process, prototyped concepts using the following
- Delivery: (How the team
presented) - professionalism, enthusiasm, conviction, confidence, energy,
- Process: (How the team
addressed the problem) - problem information, background research, design
concepts brainstormed & prototyped, testing & evaluation
- Content: (What the team
presented) - clarity, organization, and completeness of the information
- Design: (What the team
produced) - creativity, originality, functionality of the design concept and
the likelihood it will meet the user's needs
- Overall: (Overall score) -
combined impression of presentation and project
Individuals evaluating the team project
presentations will have the opportunity to provide their comments:
- What did the team learn, what are
your LIKES and WISHES about what they did, and what are your recommendations,
suggestions, and advice for the team?
- Please provide comments and
suggestions about the course, projects, and presentation process.
- Presentation
- Pre-presentation slides - 939 Kb pdf
- Photos - 883 Kb pdf file
- Links: