Winter Quarter 2016

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4:30pm - 5:50pm
Classroom 110 in Thornton Center

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Team Formation

Considerations for Team Formation
Team Formation Preparedness
Candidate Team Project Links
Available Team Projects
Project Selection & Team Formation Procedure
Students Working on Team Projects & Their Project Preferences
Preferences by Project
Formed Project Teams

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Considerations for Team Formation

Project preference
All team members should have a desire to work on the same project.
Team's engineering skill set
The team's expertise should match up with the project needs.
Undergraduate / graduate student
It would desirable if team members were either all undergraduate or all graduate students as this makes it easier to continue projects into the Spring Quarter.
Desire to continue project work into Spring Quarter
Ideally, all team members should commit to continue their project work into the Spring Quarter.
There should be a compatible mix of personalities in the team.
Friends and team members
A good friend does not necessarily make a good team mate.

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Team Formation Preparedness

Since there is no guarantee that other students will have similar project interests, you should be prepared to do one of the following:

  1. convince others to work with you on one of your selected projects
  2. consider working with another student on a project he/she has chosen
  3. work on a project you selected as a team of one

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Candidate Team Projects

Candidate Projects and Presenters:

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Available Team Projects

  • Authoring Grade School Lessons on Disability and/or Assistive Technology (2 projects)
  • Art Tools Project (2 projects)
  • Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities (2 projects)
  • Customize Abby's Scooter Project
  • Horseback Riding at Home Project
  • Project employing the Leap Motion Controller
  • Magical Bridge Playground Project
  • Walking Stick Project
  • Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
  • Enhanced access to touch screen devices
  • Enhanced bed control for veterans with spinal cord injury
  • Creative Expression (2 projects)
  • Designing Your Afterlife
  • Student-defined projects

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Project Selection & Team Formation Procedure


  1. Make sure the project your are interested in is available
  2. Refer to Preference by Projects and contact other students who have similar project interests
  3. Verify their desire and availability to work on the project
  4. Once a team of three is formed, email Dave with your project selection, team members, and team name


  1. Strive to form a team of three
  2. Teams of less than three are ok only if all other students who have indicated a preference for the project are members of other teams
  3. Not all projects can support multiple teams
  4. Projects are reserved on a "first to email" basis

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Students Working on Team Projects & Preferences

Selected projects choices are indicated in red.
("0" = no ordinal preference)

Students who have selected a project are listed without their email link.

Photo Student & Top 5 Project Picks

photo of Nina
Anderson, Nina Marie
1. Horseback Riding at Home Project
2. Improved Walker Project
3. Knee Brace Project
3. Art Tools Project
5. Power for Veterans Project
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
= iPhone and Me Project

photo of Matthew
Arkin, Matthew Hunter
1. Designing Your Afterlife
2. Project employing the Leap Motion Controller
3. iPhone and Me Project
4. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
5. Enhanced access to touch screen devices

photo of Ekua
Awotwi, Ekua
1. Magical Bridge Playground Project
2. Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community
3. Designing Your Afterlife
4. Customize Abby's Scooter Project
5. Walking Stick Project

photo of Julio
Buendia, Julio Daniel
1. Knee Brace Project
2. iPhone and Me Project
3. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
4. Creative Expression
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
= Power for Veterans Project

photo of Michelle
Catania, Michelle Alexis
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Knee Brace Project

photo of Nicholas
Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
1. iPhone and Me Project
2. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
3. Power for Veterans Project
4. Improved Walker Project
5. Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of Lauren
Creadore, Lauren Theresa
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Creative Expression
3. Art Tools Project
4. Walking Stick Project
5. Improved Walker Project

photo of John
Ferrer, John Michael Galan
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Knee Brace Project
3. iPhone and Me Project
4. Improved Walker Project
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project

photo of Caroline
Grad 2
Flowers, Caroline
1. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
2. iPhone and Me Project
3. Knee Brace Project
3. Improved Walker Project
3. Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of Victor
Garcia, Victor Alfonso
1. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
2. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
3. Knee Brace Project
4. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
= Power for Veterans Project

photo of Isabel
Gueble, Isabel Sarah
0. Improved Walker Project

photo of Ashley
Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
1. Magical Bridge Playground Project
2. Art Tools Project
3. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
4. Walking Stick Project
5. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired

photo of Natalie
Homsi, Natalie Yara
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Magical Bridge Playground Project
3. Horseback Riding at Home Project
4. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
5. Designing Your Afterlife

photo of Steven
Hong, Steven
1. Creative Expression
2. Designing Your Afterlife
3. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
4. Magical Bridge Playground Project
5. Customize Abby's Scooter Project

photo of Reed
Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Knee Brace Project
3. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
4. Art Tools Project
5. iPhone and Me Project

photo of Jason
Law, Jason Christopher
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Knee Brace Project

photo of Sophia
Lee, Sophia Miranda
1. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
2. Knee Brace Project
3. Power for Veterans Project
4. Magical Bridge Playground Project
5. Horseback Riding at Home Project

photo of Nicolas
Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
1. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
2. Power for Veterans Project
3. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
3. Designing your Afterlife
3. Project employing the Leap Motion Controller

photo of Alina
STS (Bs)
Luk, Alina An Lin
1. Designing Your Afterlife
2. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
3. Improved Walker Project
4. Magical Bridge Playground Project
5. iPhone and Me Project

photo of Jess
Moss, Jess Larissa
0. Knee Brace Project
0. Art Tools Project
0. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
0. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
0. Improved Walker Project
= Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project

photo of Anna
Olson, Anna Yifan
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project

photo of Harry
Pham, Harry Toan
1. Knee Brace Project
2. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
3. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
4. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
5. Power for Veterans Project

photo of Harine
Ravichandiran, Harine
1. Walking Stick Project
2. Improved Walker Project
3. Knee Brace Project
4. iPhone and Me Project
5. Art Tools Project

photo of Kartik
Sawhney, Kartik
1. Magical Bridge Playground Project
2. Authoring Grade School Lessons on Disability and/or Assistive Technology
3. Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community
4. Designing Your Afterlife
5. Project employing the Leap Motion Controller

photo of Lynne
Symbolic Systems / Spanish
Sneed, Lynne Thompson
1. Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community

photo of Lisa
Su, Lisa Deling
0. Knee Brace Project
0. Art Tools Project
0. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
0. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
0. Project employing the Leap Motion Controller

photo of Annalisa
Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
1. Improved Walker Project
2. Knee Brace Project
3. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
4. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
5. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired

photo of Tom
Troxel, Tom John
1. Knee Brace Project
2. Walking Stick Project
3. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
4. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
5. Improved Walker Project

photo of Tomas
Trzpit, Thomas Paul
1. Walking Stick Project or Improved Walker Project
2. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
3. Enhanced bed control for veterans with spinal cord injury
4. Power for Veterans Project
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project

photo of Paul
Watkins II, Paul
1. Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community

photo of Alyssa
Grad 2
Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
0. Knee Brace Project
0. Art Tools Project
0. iPhone and Me Project
0. Magical Bridge Playground Project
0. Improved Walker Project
= Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired

photo of Zachary
Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
1. iPhone and Me Project
2. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project
3. Power for Veterans Project
4. Improved Walker Project
5. Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of BJ
Wheeler, BJ James
1. Magical Bridge Playground Project
2. Knee Brace Project
3. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
4. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
5. Walking Stick Project

photo of Susan
Wu, Susan
0. Power for Veterans Project
0. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
0. iPhone and Me Project
0. Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
0. Walking Stick Project

photo of Evelyn
Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
1. Knee Brace Project
2. Magical Bridge Playground Project
3. Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities
4. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
5. Creative Expression
= Improved Walker Project

photo of Anna
Zeng, Anna Sijia
1. Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
2. Knee Brace Project
3. iPhone and Me Project
4. Improved Walker Project
5. Wheelchair Backup Alert Project

photo of
Lastname, Firstname Middlename

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Preferences by Project

Project team members are indicated in red.
("0" = no ordinal preference)

Students who have selected a project are listed without their email link.

Project Name Priority - Student
Power for Veterans Project

Team Supreme
Buendia, Julio Daniel
Garcia, Victor Alfonso
Pham, Harry Toan
0. Wu, Susan
2. Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
3. Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
3. Lee, Sophia Miranda
4. Lee, Ryan Thomas
4. Trzpit, Thomas Paul
5. Anderson, Nina Marie
5. Pham, Harry Toan
5. Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
Authoring Grade School Lessons on Disability and/or Assistive Technology

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
2. Sawhney, Kartik
Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community

The Third Team with No Name
Sawhney, Kartik
Sneed, Lynne Thompson
Watkins II, Paul
1. Sneed, Lynne Thompson
1. Watkins II, Paul
2. Awotwi, Ekua
3. Sawhney, Kartik
Knee Brace Project

The First Team with No Name
Catania, Michelle Alexis
Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
Law, Jason Christopher
0. Moss, Jess Larissa
0. Su, Lisa Deling
0. Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
1. Buendia, Julio Daniel
1. Lee, Ryan Thomas
1. Pham, Harry Toan
1. Troxel, Tom John
1. Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
2. Catania, Michelle Alexis
2. Ferrer, John Michael Galan
2. Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
2. Law, Jason Christopher
2. Lee, Sophia Miranda
2. Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
2. Wheeler, BJ James
3. Anderson, Nina Marie
3. Flowers, Caroline
3. Garcia, Victor Alfonso
3. Ravichandiran, Harine
Art Tools Project

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
0. Moss, Jess Larissa
0. Su, Lisa Deling
0. Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
2. Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
3. Anderson, Nina Marie
3. Creadore, Lauren Theresa
4. Buendia, Julio Daniel
4. Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
5. Ravichandiran, Harine
Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project

Swift Engineering
Ferrer, John Michael Galan
Wu, Susan
Zeng, Anna Sijia

The Sixth Team with No Name
Moss, Jess Larissa
Olson, Anna Yifan
Su, Lisa Deling
0. Su, Lisa Deling
0. Wu, Susan
1. Catania, Michelle Alexis
1. Creadore, Lauren Theresa
1. Ferrer, John Michael Galan
1. Homsi, Natalie Yara
1. Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
1. Law, Jason Christopher
1. Olson, Anna Yifan
1. Zeng, Anna Sijia
3. Troxel, Tom John
3. Wheeler, BJ James
4. Garcia, Victor Alfonso
4. Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
4. Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
Educational Design Challenge Kit for Children with Disabilities

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
0. Moss, Jess Larissa
1. Garcia, Victor Alfonso
2. Pham, Harry Toan
3. Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
3. Hong, Steven
3. Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
3. Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
3. Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
4. Troxel, Tom John
4. Wheeler, BJ James
iPhone and Me Project

To Be Determined
Anderson, Nina Marie
Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
0. Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
0. Wu, Susan
1. Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
1. Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
2. Buendia, Julio Daniel
2. Flowers, Caroline
3. Arkin, Matthew Hunter
3. Ferrer, John Michael Galan
4. Ravichandiran, Harine
4. Zeng, Anna Sijia
5. Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
5. Luk, Alina An Lin
Customize Abby's Scooter Project

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
4. Awotwi, Ekua
5. Hong, Steven
Horseback Riding at Home Project

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
1. Anderson, Nina Marie
3. Homsi, Natalie Yara
5. Lee, Sophia Miranda
Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired

One More Mile
Flowers, Caroline
Trzpit, Thomas Paul
Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
0. Moss, Jess Larissa
0. Su, Lisa Deling
0. Wu, Susan
1. Flowers, Caroline
1. Lee, Sophia Miranda
1. Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
2. Garcia, Victor Alfonso
2. Luk, Alina An Lin
2. Trzpit, Thomas Paul
3. Buendia, Julio Daniel
3. Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
3. Pham, Harry Toan
4. Homsi, Natalie Yara
5. Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
5. Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
Project employing the Leap Motion Controller

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
0. Su, Lisa Deling
2. Arkin, Matthew Hunter
3. Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
5. Sawhney, Kartik
Magical Bridge Playground Project

The Fifth Team with No Name
Awotwi, Ekua
Homsi, Natalie Yara
Wheeler, BJ James

The Last Team with No Name
Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
Hong, Steven
Lee, Sophia Miranda

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
0. Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
1. Awotwi, Ekua
1. Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
1. Sawhney, Kartik
1. Wheeler, BJ James
2. Homsi, Natalie Yara
2. Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
3. Flowers, Caroline
3. Zeng, Anna Sijia
4. Hong, Steven
4. Lee, Sophia Miranda
4. Luk, Alina An Lin
5. Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
5. Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
Walking Stick Project

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
0. Gueble, Isabel Sarah
0. Wu, Susan
1. Ravichandiran, Harine
1.Trzpit, Thomas Paul
2. Troxel, Tom John
2. Zeng, Anna Sijia
4. Creadore, Lauren Theresa
4. Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
5. Awotwi, Ekua
5. Wheeler, BJ James
Improved Walker Project

The Second Team with No Name
Gueble, Isabel Sarah
Troxel, Tom John
Xue, Evelyn Evelyn

The Fourth Team with No Name
Creadore, Lauren Theresa
Ravichandiran, Harine
Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
0. Moss, Jess Larissa
0. Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
1. Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
1. Trzpit, Thomas Paul
2. Anderson, Nina Marie
2. Lee, Ryan Thomas
2. Ravichandiran, Harine
2. Zeng, Anna Sijia
3. Flowers, Caroline
3. Luk, Alina An Lin
4. Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
4. Ferrer, John Michael Galan
4. Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
5. Creadore, Lauren Theresa
5. Troxel, Tom John
Wheelchair Backup Alert Project

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
2. Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
2. Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
4. Arkin, Matthew Hunter
4. Pham, Harry Toan
5. Anderson, Nina Marie
5. Buendia, Julio Daniel
5. Ferrer, John Michael Galan
5. Garcia, Victor Alfonso
5. Trzpit, Thomas Paul
5. Zeng, Anna Sijia
Enhanced access to touch screen devices

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
5. Arkin, Matthew Hunter
Enhanced bed control for veterans with spinal cord injury

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
3. Lee, Ryan Thomas
3. Trzpit, Thomas Paul
Creative Expression

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
1. Hong, Steven
2. Creadore, Lauren Theresa
4. Buendia, Julio Daniel
5. Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
Designing Your Afterlife

Memory Imagineers
Arkin, Matthew Hunter
Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
Luk, Alina An Lin

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
1. Arkin, Matthew Hunter
1. Luk, Alina An Lin
2. Hong, Steven
3. Awotwi, Ekua
3. Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
4. Sawhney, Kartik
5. Homsi, Natalie Yara
5. Lee, Ryan Thomas
Student-defined projects

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name
Project Name

Team Name - Team Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name
#. Student name

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Formed Project Teams

Team name: Brace for Impact
Team members: Catania, Michelle Alexis
Kraus, Reed Andrew Haggerty
Law, Jason Christopher
Project: Knee Brace Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Sachi-on-the-Ko
Team members: Anderson, Nina Marie
Cheung, Nicholas Chung-Do
Weinstein, Zachary Michaud
Project: iPhone and Me Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Swift Engineering
Team members: Ferrer, John Michael Galan
Wu, Susan
Zeng, Anna Sijia
Project: Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
Project name: Blank Space
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Game Plan
Team members: Gueble, Isabel Sarah
Troxel, Tom John
Xue, Evelyn Evelyn
Project: Improved Walker Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Engineering Empathy
Team members: Sawhney, Kartik
Sneed, Lynne Thompson
Watkins II, Paul
Project: Support System to Destigmatize Mental Health in the Black Community
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: One More Mile
Team members: Flowers, Caroline
Trzpit, Thomas Paul
Wei, Alyssa Mariko Kuuleilani
Project: Jogging and Running Aid for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Walkabout
Team members: Creadore, Lauren Theresa
Ravichandiran, Harine
Taylor, Annalisa Tulle
Project: Improved Walker Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Team Supreme
Team members: Buendia, Julio Daniel
Garcia, Victor Alfonso
Pham, Harry Toan
Project: Power for Veterans Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Magic Makers
Team members: Awotwi, Ekua
Homsi, Natalie Yara
Wheeler, BJ James
Project: Magical Bridge Playground Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Fairing Well
Team members: Moss, Jess Larissa
Olson, Anna Yifan
Su, Lisa Deling
Project: Aesthetic Brace Fairing Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Team Memori
Team members: Arkin, Matthew Hunter
Lozano-Landinez, Nicolas
Luk, Alina An Lin
Project: Designing Your Afterlife
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Team Magicians
Team members: Hartwell, Ashley Jessica
Hong, Steven
Lee, Sophia Miranda
Project: Magical Bridge Playground Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Team name: Team Name
Team members: Lastname, Firstname
Lastname, Firstname
Lastname, Firstname
Project: Project
Project name: Project Name
Device name: Device Name

Updated 02/05/2016

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