Thursday, January 20th
Perspectives of Stanford
Students with a Disability Angelo
Szychowski, Matt Cooper, Fiona Hinze, and Nicole B. Torcolini
Abstract: In this panel discussion,
four Stanford students with disabilities will discuss their academic goals, the
assistive technology they use to be successful students, and challenges they
have faced.
Nicole Torcolini's Biosketch:
Nicole Torcolini is a junior at Stanford
University majoring in Computer Science with a focus in Human Computer
Interaction. She lost most of her sight about four months after her fourth
birthday due to cancer in the optic chiasm, and the cancer treatment also
caused her to be slightly hard-of-hearing in both ears and have other permanent
medical conditions.
Nicole uses several different assistive
technologies for the blind, most of which are electronic computer based, both
during her leisure time and for her school work. Nicole has worked on designing
assistive software both on her own and during internships. The Nemetex Nemeth
Back-Translator, which translates Braille math (Nemeth) that is produced
on an electronic Braille notetaker from an initially visually uncomprehensible
state into print, is now available on the market.
Nicole has also participated in other
assistive technology projects that were not software-based, including helping
the Astronomy Department at the University of Washington develop a hands-on
astronomy curriculum for the blind.
- Contact information:
- Nicole Torcolini - elecator -at-
- Lecture Material:
- Pre-lecture
slides - 640 Kb pdf file
- Angelo's
Slides - 292 Kb pdf file
- Nicole's
Slide - 73.8 Kb pdf file
- Audio -
1:16:51 - 17.5 Mb mp3 file
- Links:
- Humanware's
- The
$20 Knee - The 50 Best Inventions of 2009
- Permobil
- CoughAssist
- Apex
Viking patient transfer lift
- Dragon