Winter Quarter 2011 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Main Quad, Building 370, Classroom 370

Call for Project Coaches and Assistive Technology Users

Local individuals who would benefit from the finished product as well as experts who would be able to coach the students on their projects are sought. The experts would be expected to provide advice and expertise in the specific areas addressed by the project (mechanical, electrical, electronic, computer systems; knowledge of fabrication and testing techniques; and sources of materials); and be available by phone and/or email.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the course and thank you for your willingness to participate in the class.

David L. Jaffe, MS
Stanford University
Mechanical Engineering - Design Group
Thomas F. Peterson Engineering Laboratory - Building 550
416 Escondido Mall, Room 113
Stanford, CA  94305-4021
650/892-4464 cell
dljaffe -at-

Updated 11/03/2010

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