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Estimate of loss probability


In (1) the estimate of loss probability tex2html_wrap_inline952 and tex2html_wrap_inline954 is based on recorded past delays of the two streams using order statistics extended from [6]. The network delay of past w packets in each stream l has been recorded and is denoted as tex2html_wrap_inline1022 , tex2html_wrap_inline1024 , ... , tex2html_wrap_inline1026 . The order statistics, or the sorted version of tex2html_wrap_inline1022 , tex2html_wrap_inline1024 , ... , tex2html_wrap_inline1026 are denoted as tex2html_wrap_inline1034 , tex2html_wrap_inline1036 , ... tex2html_wrap_inline1038 , where


The rth order statistic is defined as


which is the probability the future delay tex2html_wrap_inline1042 is no greater than tex2html_wrap_inline1044 , or the probability that packet i can be received by time tex2html_wrap_inline1044 . In [6], it is shown that


which is the expected probability that packet i can be received by tex2html_wrap_inline1044 .

In our application, we extend (2) by defining



such that we have the extended order statistics


The definitions of tex2html_wrap_inline1054 and tex2html_wrap_inline1056 are empirically based on the standard deviation of past delays. This solves the problem that the expected playout probability in [6] cannot go beyond tex2html_wrap_inline1058 or go below tex2html_wrap_inline1060 . (3) is hence revised as


The expected probability corresponding to any tex2html_wrap_inline912 equal to any tex2html_wrap_inline1064 k=0, 1, ... , w+1, can be determined directly by (5); while the expected probability associated with any tex2html_wrap_inline912 in between these discrete values of tex2html_wrap_inline1074 s is found by interpolation.

For stream l,


which is the index of the greatest tex2html_wrap_inline1078 that is no greater than tex2html_wrap_inline912 . The expected probability that packet i can be received by the deadline tex2html_wrap_inline912 is


The expected of loss probability of packet i in stream l is then


which is used in the cost function in (1).

The idea of using past history to predict the loss probability of a future packet is based on the assumption that the past w delays have similar probability density function (p.d.f.), and this similarity will last for at least w samples, although the delay distribution varies in the long term. The effectiveness of this estimation depends on how close the accumulated history represents the present delay statistics.

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Yi Liang
Mon Mar 12 21:52:19 PST 2001