Lecture 1 (09/26) pptx pdf
Introduction to Wireless Communications
Lecture 2 (09/28) summary pptx pdf
Signal Propagation and Path Loss Models
Supplemental reading:
Rappaport, et al., Millimeter Wave Mobile Communications for 5G Cellular: It Will Work!
Pi and Khan, An Introduction to Millimeter-Wave Mobile Broadband Systems.
Ostrometzky and Messer, Accumulated Rainfall Estimation Using Maximum Attenuation of Microwave Radio Signal.
Rain and Oxygen attenuation effects
Current LTE channel models from 3GPP
Lecture 3 (10/02) summary pptx pdf
mmWave Propagation, Shadowing, Combined Path Loss/Shadowing, Model Parameters
Lecture 4 (10/05) summary pptx pdf
Statistical Fading Models, Narrowband Models
Lecture 5 (10/10) summary pptx pdf
Narrowband Model, In-Phase/Quad RX Signals, Uniform AoA, Signal Envelope Distribution
Lecture 6 (10/13) summary pptx pdf
Wideband Fading, Doppler and Delay Spread
Lecture 7 (10/18) summary pptx pdf
Shannon Channel Capacity
Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication
Goldsmith and Varaiya, Capacity of Fading Channels with Channel State Information
Lecture 8 (10/20) summary pptx pdf
Capacity of Flat and FS Fading Channels, Linear Modulation Review
Lecture 9 (10/25) summary pptx pdf
Linear Modulation and its Performance in AWGN and Fading
Lecture 10 (10/27) summary pptx pdf
Probability of Symbol Error, Combined Average Error and Outage, Impact of Doppler
Lecture 11 (10/31) summary pptx pdf
Diversity, Maximal Ratio Combining
Lecture 12 (11/01) summary pptx pdf
Transmit diversity, Intro to Adaptive Modulation
Supplimental reading:
Goldsmith and Chua, Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM for Fading Channels
Midterm review (11/01) pptx pdf
Lecture 13 (11/08) summary pptx pdf
Adaptive modulation and adaptive MQAM, Impact of finite constellations
Lecture 14 (11/10) summary pptx pdf
Update Rate in Adaptive Modulation, MIMO and Space/time Communications
Lecture 15 (11/14) summary pptx pdf
MIMO systems, Capacity, Beamforming, Diversity
Supplement on MIMO Decoding
Goldsmith, et al., Capacity Limits of MIMO Channels
Lecture 16 (11/16) summary pptx pdf
MIMO Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoffs & RX Design, Multicarrier Modulation
More on MIMO Decoding
Lecture 17 (11/28) summary pptx pdf
OFDM FFT Implementation, MIMO-OFDM
Lecture 18 (12/01) summary pptx pdf
Spread Spectrum, Multi-user systems
Lecture 19 (12/06) summary pptx pdf
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Bandwidth Sharing in Multiuser Systems, Multiuser Detection, Random Access, Cellular System Design
Course Summary (12/07) pptx pdf
Advanced Topics (12/07) pptx pdf