Class Info
EE254 - Fall 2003-04 Syllabus
I. Radar equation and definition of RCS
- Overview and class procedures
- Introduction & early history
- Basic concepts & measurements
- Radar Equation
- Examples of simple radar systems
II. Analysis of SNR
III. Detection theory
- Radar detection in the presence of noise
- Matched filter detection
- Target effects on detection
IV. Antennas as technology
- Parametric description of antennas
V. Range and range ambiguity
- Pulsed Radars
- Fundamentals of range measurements
- Range ambiguity
VI. Doppler and velocity measurements
- FM-CW radars
- Fundamentals of Doppler measurements
- Doppler ambiguity
Midterm Examination
VII. Images from range-Doppler mapping
- Rigid rotating body
- Assignment and Discussion of Final Project
VIII. Imaging with SLR and SAR
- Apparent rotation by with source motion
- Range signal processing - pulse compression revisited
- Azimuth signal processing - imaging
IX. Signal coding in imaging
- Advantages and properties of complex signals
- Processor design for range-Doppler imaging and equivalents
- SAR design example and system implementation issues
X. Ambiguity function
- Uncertainly relationships in range-Doppler space
- Response of radar to spread-fluctuating target
- Theorems for ambiguity functions
- Example of overspread and underspread targets
- Polarimetric radars
- Interferometric radars
XI. FINAL PROJECT DUE Monday, December 8 2003