EE204: Business Management for
Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists

Introduction to EE204 and Introductory Case:
Qualcomm Inventors, Dreamers, and What To Do Next


  1. Review EE204 website
    1. Classroom discussion guidelines
    2. Grading
    3. Written analysis guidelines
  2. Qualcomm Inventors, Dreamers, and What To Do Next (will also be handed out in class)


In our first class we will

1) Ask students about their objectives for EE204

2) Describe the subjects that will be covered and the case discussion method

3) Review instructor responsibilities for conducting the class and soliciting participation in the discussion

4) Summarize student responsibility for class preparation and participation

5) Outline techniques for each student to optimize his or her own learning experience and achieve their objectives.

6) Clarify the methods for student performance measurement and grading


In the remaining time, an introductory case (Qualcomm Inventors Dreamers and What To Do Next) will be handed out in class and discussed in order to illustrate the case method of instruction.

Case Summary

In 1985, seven industry veterans led by the Jacobs brothers decided they wanted to build “Quality Communications” and outlined a plan that has evolved into Qualcomm. Qualcomm set its mission to “focus on a single goal—invent mobile technology breakthroughs.” The U.S. Telecommunications Industry Association adopted Qualcomm's CDMA as a cellular standard in 1993, positioning Qualcomm as a first mover and industry leader. Qualcomm navigated the wireless industry's transition from 3G to 4G, retaining its technological leadership and experiencing dramatic growth in revenue and profit.

In recent years, Qualcomm faces new challenges, ranging from new technologies, new competitors, and weak stock performance. To meet these new challenges Qualcomm has appointed a new CEO, Steve Mollenkopf, whose mission is to lead the company forward into new markets as a technology leader. Several new market initiatives have been launched in ecommerce, video, display, healthcare and drones.

This introductory case poses the question: What does Qualcomm have to do to continue its leadership in mobile communications in the context of its past success and future threats?

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the source of Qualcomm’s initial success?
  2. What new competitive forces are driving the market?
  3. What are Qualcomm’s strengths and weaknesses in meeting the new competitive environment?
  4. How would you describe Qualcomm’s strategy now?
  5. What should the CEO Steve Mollenkopf be most worried about?
  6. What recommendations would you make to deal with these?