EE204: Business Management for
Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists

Grading Formula

There will be no final examination. This course is offered on a letter grade basis only. Your grade will be weighted as follows:

Classroom Discussion (1/3)

Students will receive a mid-quarter participation evaluation the the midpoint of the course.

First written case (1/3)

Second written case (1/3)

If at any point during the quarter you would like to see us about your class participation, written work, course matters, or anything else, please contact us after class or by email to set up an appointment and we will work to accommodate your needs.


Attendance at all classes is required because of the interactive nature of the case method. Because we understand that students have numerous constraints on them throughout the quarter, under certain circumstances students are allowed to miss up to two classes without affecting their grade.

When missing a class, students must do the following:

  1. Notify the professor and both TAs, via email, of the absence:
    1. This should be done at least 24 hours prior to the class being missed.
    2. Provide a reason (research conference, recruiting trip, family emergency, etc.) for not attending.
  2. Complete the make-up assignment for the class meeting you are missing:
    1. Complete the readings for the class being missed.
    2. Watch the video of the missing lecture through the SCPD platform and answer pop-up questions. Access to pop-up questions will activated by TAs.
    3. Make at least 2 comments via Piazza on other students' answers to pop-up questions.
  3. Students who cannot complete this make-up assignment within one week should make arrangements for alternate submission dates with the EE204 teaching team.

Failure to meet any of these criteria will negatively impact a student's participation grade.

Extra Credit

Extra-credit opportunities are available for EE204, including the following:

Additionally, the top performing team in the simulation is awarded extra credit.