Group Written Assignment
- Coursera (HBS course materials)
- Supplementary readings:
- Still
Questioning The Model: Elite Universities' concerns over MOOCs
- Coursera's MOOCs Go To Work: What MasterCard Is Learning
- Coursera Hires First Chief Marketing Officer
- Baidu Hires Coursera Founder Andrew Ng to Start Massive Research Lab
- Andrew Ng Making Breakthroughs for New Employer
Group Case Analysis
The first written case analysis is a
group assignment. The paper must be strictly your own group's
individual work, independent of discussions or consultations with
groups. This means the first case will be done in teams of 4-6
students. Please refer to the Guidelines
and Grading for Written Case Analyses page of the web site.
Prepared following the guidelines
given in that document. You should attempt to present important
background case information, and use the tools discussed in class and
in the readings as a basis for your analysis. Make sure that your
addresses the written assignment. The study questions should be addressed as part of the
written assignment. The
case will be due at 9AM, before the beginning of class on the due
Papers submitted after this date and time will not be accepted
(including but not limited to later in the same day).
Case Summary
By providing free and open-access online courses at a large scale,
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms seek to innovate the
business models of the traditional higher education industry. In a
little over a year, Coursera had grown at a rapid rate to emerge as a
leader of the MOOCs in terms of the number of student enrollments,
courses, and partners. The case examines two aspects of these
developments in the industry : (1) What choices did Coursera make that
enabled it to grow so quickly? (2) In what ways did Coursera's success
impact the success of is competitors, Udacity and edX? Would one
player naturally come to dominate the industry, and if so, what
choices should Coursera make to retain its market positioning?
Written Assignment
Recommend a comprehensive corporate strategy, including a marketing strategy and implementation
plan, to put Coursera on a path to success. Support your recommendation
with an analysis of case facts and answers to the questions below.
NOTE: Only the facts presented in the case should
be used in your recommendation. This assures consistency of
and consistency in grading.
Discussion Questions
Answers to the questions below should be incorporated into your
- How did MOOCs reshape the competitve forces of higher education?
- How would you define Coursera's strategic vision? What, if any, changes would you make to maintain Coursera's position?
- What value does Coursera derive from its partnerships? How should it manage these moving forward?
- Coursera has almost no marketing efforts. What, if anything, would you change about its word-of-mouth approach?
- Which potential revenue model would you choose for Coursera? How does this compare with the approaches of Coursera's competitors?
- As
one of your exhibits, create a five-slide summary that could be used to present
your findings at the next board meeting. Note: These slides should be
as simple as possible. All exhibits in total count for 4/20 in the grading criteria.
In-Class Presentations
the start of class, each group will be asked to present a SHORT
(two-sentence) summary of what strategy their team recommended and
No slides are needed. Each group should elect one member to state the
group's recommendation.
- Is it okay to use information from past cases?
- Yes. Any information covered in class so far, including
readings, cases, and case exhibits, may be used in your paper.
- Is it okay to use information from future cases that we
have not covered in class yet?
- No. To keep as level a playing field as possible, please
restrict your supporting material to what has been covered in
- Should the exhibits in the writeup be exhibits from the
- No.
The exhibits in the writeup should be created for the writeup.
They may
contain elements of existing exhibits, but we advise against
re-presenting information as it was presented in the case.
- What point of view should we take in the paper? Do we work
for Coursera or for a third party?
- Either viewpoint is fine.
- What should the slides be like?
- Your
slides should contain whatever information from your
recommendation and
analysis that you feel most pertinent to make a compelling
argument to
the Board of Directors. Complicated slides are not necessary -
bullet points are sufficient. Be sure to stick to the five-slide
- For
citing the case and other course materials, is it okay to use
or a reference section at the end of the document? Can we exclude
reference listing from the 5-page limit?
- Yes. A reference page (as used in the case itself, for
example) may be used and does not count toward the page limit.
SCPD Students
Submit the written assignment as described above. There is no other
writeup due for this day of class.