Costas Anastassiou’s slides on biophysically detailed models of cortex: (Part 1) (Part 2)

Active properties of neocortical pyramidal neuron dendrites: (PDF)

Connectomic reconstruction of the inner plexiform layer in the mouse retina: (PDF)

A cellular mechanism for cortical associations: an organizing principle for the cerebral cortex: (PDF)

Physiology of Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex: Coincidence Detection through Bursting: (PDF)

A Biophysically Detailed Model of Neocortical Local Field Potentials Predicts the Critical Role of Active Membrane Currents: (PDF)

Sample data from one of Costas’ cortical models. This data was generated for projects in CS379C in the format of a tar ball consisting of simulated intra- and extra-cellular traces, spike-timing rasters, and movies illustrating the structure and dynamics of the simulated tissue sample. As Costas pointed out in class, he is interested in partnering with students to produce alternative datasets that might be better suited to functional analysis or exhibit different dynamics. The tar ball also includes Python scripts for reformatting the data and extracting content from the binary files: (TAR)