The list of readings below is sorted by topic. Please consult the course calendar for a list of readings by date.
This is a preliminary list of readings and is subject to change.
Computer Vision Techniques and Technologies
- Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and
Techniques for Novice Programmers
Golan Levin, AI & Society, Volume 20, Issue 4, pages 462-482, 2006.
- Recent Advances in Computer Vision
Massimo Picardi and Tony Jan, The Industrial Physicist, Volume 9, Issue 1, pages 18-21, 2003.
- Acquiring Images
John C. Russ, Chapter 1 of The Image Processing Handbook, CRC Press, 2002.
- A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture
Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum, Computer Vision & Image Understanding, 81(3):23-268, 2001.
- An Introduction to Object Recognition
Jeffrey C. Liter and Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Technical Report No. 43, Max-Planxk-Institut für biologische Kybernetik, 1996.
- Rapid Object Detection Using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features
P. Viola and M. Jones, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2001.
- Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features
David G. Lowe, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 1999.
- Digiteyes: Vision-based Hand Tracking for Human-Computer Interaction
Jim Rehg and Takeo Kanade, IEEE Workshop on Motion of Non-Rigid and Articulated Objects, pages 16-22, November 1994.
- Robust Vision-Based Detection of Pinching for One and Two-Handed Gesture Input
Andy Wilson, Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2006.
Development Tool Tutorials
- Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide, Chapter 1
MathWorks Inc., Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide, 2006.
- Processing (Proce55ing) Tutorial for Macromedia Minds
Josh Nimoy, Interactive Telecommunications Program, NYU, 2004.
- Getting Started with Director, Chapter 3
Macromedia Inc., Getting Started with Director, 2004.
- Introduction to Programming with OpenCV
Gady Agam, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2006.
Computer Vision Design Tools
- A Design Tool for Camera-based Interaction
Jerry Alan Fails and Dan R. Olsen, CHI 2003: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 449-456.
- CAMBIENCE: A Video-Driven Sonic Ecology for Media Spaces
Diaz-Marino, R. and Greenberg, S, Video Proceedings of ACM CSCW'06 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, November, ACM Press.
- Light Widgets: Interacting in Everyday Spaces
Jerry Alan Fails and Dan Olsen Jr., IUI '02: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, pages 63-69, New York, NY, USA, 2002. ACM Press.
- Screencrayons: Annotating Anything
Dan R. Olsen, Trent Taufer, and Jerry Alan Fails, UIST 2004: Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, pages 165-174, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press.
- Papier Mache: Toolkit Support for Tangible Input
Scott R. Klemmer, Jack Li, James Lin, and James A. Landay, CHI 2004: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pages 399-406, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press.
Applications of Computer Vision in HCI
- Computer Vision for Interactive Computer Graphics
William T. Freeman, Yasunari Miyake, Ken-ichi Tanaka, David B. Anderson, Paul A. Beardsley, Chris N. Dodge, Michal Roth, Craig D. Weissman, William S. Yerazunis, Hiroshi Kage, Kazuo Kyuma, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May 1998, pages 42-53.
- The ALIVE System: Full-body Interaction with Autonomous Agents
P. Maes, T. Darrell, B. Blumberg, and A. Pentland, CA 1995: Proceedings of the Computer Animation, page 11, Washington, DC, USA, 1995. IEEE Computer Society.
- ViewPointer: Lightweight Calibration-free Eye Tracking for Ubiquitous Handsfree Deixis
John D. Smith, Roel Vertegaal, Changuk Sohn, UIST 2005: pages 53-61.
- The Designer's Outpost: A Task-Centered Tangible Interface for Web Site Information Design
Klemmer, S.R., M.W. Newman, and R. Sapien, Proceedings of CHI: Human factors in computing systems 2000: ACM Press. pages 333-334, 2000.
- PlayAnywhere: A Compact Tabletop Computer Vision System
Andy Wilson,
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2005.
- TouchLight: An Imaging Touch Screen and Display for Gesture-Based Interaction
Andy Wilson, International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2004.
- Techniques for Interactive Audience Participation
Dan Maynes-Aminzade, Randy
Pausch, Steve Seitz, Fourth IEEE Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2002.
Human Vision
- Vision by Man and Machine
Thomas Poggio, from The Perceptual Word, Irvin Rock (ed.), W.H. Freeman & Co, New York, 1988.
- The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Oliver Sacks, from
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat and Other Clinical Tales, Touchstone, New York, 1985.
- The Case of the Colorblind Painter
Oliver Sacks, from An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales, Vintage Books, New York, 1995.
- Faces, Faces Everywhere
Elizabeth Svoboda, The New York Times, February 13, 2007.
Challenges of Computer Vision in HCI