This class has no in-class exams. During this time, you will present a live demo of your completed game. There will be no makeup time for the live demo in the case of conflicting classes as the Stanford University Registrar's policy states that "students must not register for classes with conflicting end-quarter exams."
Assignments and Grading
1 |
Create a Scene in Unity [Assignment PDF] [Slides] |
Tuesday, 1/9 |
Tuesday, 1/16 |
2 |
Animations in Unity [Assignment PDF] [Slides] |
Tuesday, 1/16 |
Monday, 1/29 |
3 |
Particle Systems and Rigid Body Simulation in Unity [Assignment PDF] [Windows Starter] [MacOS Starter] [Slides] |
Tuesday, 1/30 |
Monday, 2/12 |
4 |
Character Animation and Simulation [Assignment PDF] [IK Code] [Unity Starter Project] [Slides] |
Tuesday, 2/13 |
Monday, 2/26 |
5 |
Final Project Group and Proposal [Assignment PDF] |
Tuesday, 2/27 |
Monday, 3/5 |
Your final grade for the class will be a combination of the following grades:
- Homework 1 (5%): In this homework you will familliarize yourself with the Unity game engine.
- Short or Long Form Written Assignments accompanying lectures 3-5, 7,9,10 and 11,13,14 (9 assignments, 15% total): The goal is to get you thinking about the class material and how it relates to your game early on. You can choose the short/long format for each individual lecture.
- Homeworks 2, 3, 4 (10% each): These homework assignments aim at developing skills and technology for your final project.
- Attendance of gaming industry guest lectures (6%) on Tue Feb 27, Thu Mar 1 and Thurs Mar 8, week 8 and 9 of classes. Bring your friends! The guest speakers would appreciate a full classroom.
- Homework 5 (4%): Team and game proposals.
- In-Class Game Demo (10%): You will demonstrate your in-progress game during week 10 of classes. Please see the piazza link in the next bullet point for more information.
- Game Grade (30%): The presentation for the final game is scheduled for the final exam time. Each person will also be required to independently submit a one to two page write-up detailing what they did for the game both individually and in collaboration with others. Please see [this piazza note] for more information.
Platforms and Collaboration
- Platforms: You will choose to develop your game for one of three platforms:
- Mobile Game
- PC Game
- Client/Server/Browser Game
2D Games are allowed for only the mobile and client/server/browser platforms; all PC games must be 3D.
- Collaboration:
- Homeworks may be completed in either one or two person groups.
- The entire group must show up for the grading sessions and the CAs will ask each group member different questions.
- You are not required to keep the same group between assignments or for the final project.
- We strongly encourage you to form groups for homeworks and for the final game.
- Game engine: the Unity game engine will be used for homeworks and the final project in this course.
- Evaluation: All of the assignments will be graded in a live-demo format because graphics, like art, is about showmanship and presentation. During the grading sessions, all of the CAs will be available for grading and, if time permits, answering questions pertaining to the course. Your entire group is required to attend and consult a CA for an in-person grading session. Assignments will be graded based on the functionality and understanding demonstrated by the student to the CA. The course assistant will ask you to demonstrate your solution to the assignment, look at both the code and results, and ask you questions to assess your understanding of the material. If you cannot attend the weekly grading session, it is your responsibility to contact a CA to schedule an appointment for assignment grading that takes place before the weekly grading session. We will not accept email submissions of code. Please be aware that the Gates Building is locked between 5:30pm (except for the front door which locks at 7pm) and 7am Monday through Friday and all day during Saturday, Sunday, and University Holidays.