A Description of Google Written by
the Inventors (Sergey Brin and Larry Page):
"The Anatomy of
a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine"
The Original Paper on "Hubs and
Kleinberg, "Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment"
J. ACM Sept., 1999, pp. 604-632.
Class Notes from a Data-Mining Class
by Jeff Ullman:
Web Search (ps; pdf)
Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
(ps; pdf)
Low-Support, High-Correlation Mining (ps; pdf)
Clustering (ps; pdf)
More About Clustering (ps; pdf)
Reference Notes for Auction I and
Auction II:
7 Introduction to Multi-agent
Systems (Only Sections 7.3 and 7.4 are required; the rest is included
just in case you are curious.)
Reference Papers for Auction I V:
Bidding, Roth & Ockenfels
on Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet, RFC 2309,
Braden et al., pp. 1 10 (easy non-mathematical reading)
the Internet, Mackie-Mason & Varian, all except appendix
Paris Metro
Pricing for the Internet, Odlyzko, all except appendix (which you can
read if you want a quantitative analysis of a particular instance of PMP)
Mechanisms for Smoothing, Leyton-Brown et al.
Pricing Computer
Networks: Reshaping the Research Agenda, Shenker et al. (essentially a
critique of a smart market approach)
Pricing and the Evolution of Congestion Control, Gibbens and Kelly
(influential but technical recent proposal, based on RED, that shows how to
implement smart-maket-like scheme efficiently)
Combinatorial Auctions, Lehmann et al.
Making Greed Work
in Networks, Shenker, section 1, 2, and 5 (feel free to skim section 3 and
4, which give the formal model and analysis)