Biomedical research and Medicine are undergoing a major revolution that will transform the nature of healthcare and biotechnology. The current transformations in biology, medicine, and computation have created an intense need of computational approaches for managing knowledge and information.
For biomedical scientists, the commoditization of high throughput technologies has not only made it possible for life scientists to generate gigabytes of data in the course of routine experiments, but also made it the norm. The increasing use of simulation, network analysis and big-data driven research has made the management, modeling, and acquisition and mining of biomedical information a crucial and strategic arm of today's healthcare and biotechnology companies.
For clinicians, the surging emphasis on evidence-based medicine and comparative-effectiveness analysis led to new interest in capturing patient data in machine-interpretable form and gave rise to a host of initiatives in healthcare information technology that now dominate the clinical and political landscape.
For the consumer, the large amount of biomedical and clinical information available on the Web has created both challenges and opportunities for accessing accurate, contextually relevant health information to make better decisions.
This seminar series explores the approaches to information management
adopted by industry leaders at different frontiers in the biomedical
informatics landscape.
Course Organizers
Nikesh Kotecha, PhD
Nigam Shah MBBS, PhD
Send questions to nikesh at stanford dot edu or nigam at stanford dot edu.