Lecture: May 7, 2013


Monitoring of Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Systems

Paul Myrda, EPRI


Paul Myrda is a Technical Executive with the Electric Power Research Institute working in the Power Delivery and Utilization Sector. Currently he is program manager for the transmission portion of IntelliGrid and the Smart Transmission coordinator at EPRI.

Previously, Paul was Director of Operations and Chief Technologist overseeing planning and asset management functions for Trans-Elect’s operating companies.

Paul has over 30 years of experience that includes planning, engineering, information systems and project management. He has an MBA from Kellogg and MSEE and BSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology. He is a licensed professional engineer, and a member of the IEEE and CIGRE.


A wide variety of operating data exists at electric utilities however many of these data are “trapped” within “siloed” databases and legacy computer systems. EPRI has developed a framework that enables the integration of these existing systems along with the information technology infrastructure; specifically the databases, servers, data centers and any middleware layers that exist or need to be established. Then through a variety of methods such as an Enterprise Service Bus, Web services or Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) approaches a utility specific Data Mart schema for use by the utility staff is created. Through this process recommended tools to support the target audience and draft dashboard designs are created. It has been successfully demonstrated that monitoring and diagnostics tools can be used to detect anomalies in the behavior of components and/or systems. These anomalies can provide very insightful information regarding the performance, integrity, efficiency or reliability of these electric utility systems or system components.

Lecture Notes

Presentation on T&D Systems Monitoring by Paul Myrda (pdf)