
Homework 3 (Recursion): Strings; Grammar Solver; Fractals

due: , 5:00pm (not accepted after , 5:00pm)
pair assignment (you may work alone, or with one partner from your section; see pair rules)

For this assignment you must solve and turn in all three (3) of the following problems:

icon HW3 YEAH hours slides (by SL Avery Wang)

Homework 2 (ADTs): Word Ladder; N-Grams

due: , 5:00pm (not accepted after , 5:00pm)
pair assignment (you may work alone, or with one partner from your section; see pair rules)

For this assignment you must solve and turn in both of the following problems:

icon HW2 YEAH hours slides (by SL Natalie Cygan)

Homework 1 (C++ Basics): Mad Libs

due: , 5:00pm (not accepted after , 5:00pm)
individual assignment (no pairs)

"I need help with my homework!"

  • There is probably someone in the LaIR, or maybe the instructor has office hours soon. If so, go see them.
  • Check the message forum; your question may have been answered there.
  • Go to the YEAH hours for this assignment.
  • Read the relevant chapters and sections of the textbook
  • Look at the in-class lecture examples.
  • Look at this week's section handout problems and their solutions.
  • Start early! We get swamped the day assignments are due.
  • Don't panic. Every student has late days that can be used to submit an assignment after the due date.
This document and its content are copyright © Marty Stepp, 2018. All rights reserved. Any redistribution, reproduction, transmission, or storage of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without the authors' expressed written permission.