Robert Siegel
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Tasmania, 2015
Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Family: Dasyuridae (dasyures)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
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marine invertebrates
mount field
giants table
freycinet and wineglass bay
black sugarloaf
cradle mountain
tasman peninsula
tessellated pavements
port arthur
mole creek caves
group photos
More Australia
Great Ocean Road 2015
Western Australia 2015
Tasmania 2015
Tasmania 2012
Australia 2001
Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Family: Dasyuridae (dasyures)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Tasmania devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Family: Dasyuridae (dasyures)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Stealth mode
Tasmania devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Family: Dasyuridae (dasyures)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Woody the devil
Tasmania devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Family: Dasyuridae (dasyures)
Ross, Tasmania
September 7, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Devilish companion
On the road in Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Common wombat (Vombatus ursinus)
Family: Vombatidae (wombats)
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 10, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
brush tailed possum
Playing possum
September 7, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Koala close
Koala ()
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
White wallaby
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
White wallaby
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Mom and joey
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Orphaned joey in surrogate pouch
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Wallaby eating
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 10, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Wallaby been eaten
Wallaby burrito
Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Narawntapu, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Spring is in the air
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Leap of faith
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Hooking up
Kangaroos mating
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
September 10, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Platypus approaching
September 7, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Giant wooden platypus
September 9, 2015
Platypus statue
Part of the Abel Tasman statue
Hobart, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Sticky situation
September 10, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Echidna hiding
September 6, 2015
Sharp and soft
Near Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 10, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
It was quite surprising both how soft the echidna fur was
and how impressively protected it was with rigid quills,
which seemed more sturdy than those of a porcupine.
All balled up
September 6, 2015
Making a break for it
September 6, 2015
Last stand
Natural History Museum
Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Thylacine in hyding
Natural History Museum
Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Playground thylacine
Mount Field
Hobart, Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
- street art
Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Canon 7dmark2
- with guns
Giants Table, Maydena, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
So many birds
Our house
September 9, 2015
Olympus Tough
Night moves
Little blue penguin Eudyptula minor
September 7, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
The smallest species of penguin in the world...
Everybody look right
Little blue penguin Eudyptula minor
September 7, 2015
Demonic penguin
Little blue penguin Eudyptula minor
September 9, 2015
Olympus Tough
September 9, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Canon 7Dmark2
August 28, 2015
Beak full
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Canon 7Dmark2
August 28, 2015
Posing grassfully
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Canon 7Dmark2
August 29, 2015
Kooky pose
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Canon 7Dmark2
August 29, 2015
Currawong - possibly black currawong (Strepera fuliginosa)
September 10, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Currawong - possibly black currawong (Strepera fuliginosa)
September 6, 2015
Lake Peddar, Tasmania
Canon 7Dmark2
Black but grey...
Grey currawong (Strepera versicolor arguta) - Tasmanian subspecies
Also known as the clinking currawong or black magpie.
The Tasmanian subspecies is darker than the others but note the white rump patch
that helps to distinguish it from the black currawong.
Narawntapu, Tasmania
Canon 7Dmark2
September 9, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)
40 spotted pardalote
Forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)
Family: Pardalotidae (pardalotes)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
Canon 7Dmark2
September 2, 2015
40 spotted pardalote on the wing
Forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)
Family: Pardalotidae (pardalotes)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
Canon 7Dmark2
September 2, 2015
40 spotted pardalote shadow
Forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)
Family: Pardalotidae (pardalotes)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
Canon 7Dmark2
September 2, 2015
Grey shrikethrush
Grey shrikethrush (Colluricincla harmonica)
Family: Pachycephalidae
Order: Passeriformes
Wineglass Bay, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Bassian treble
Bassian thrush (Zoothera lunulata)
Family: Turdidae
Order: Passeriformes
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Bassian close
Bassian thrush (Zoothera lunulata)
Family: Turdidae
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Grey fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Common blackbird
Common blackbird (Turdus merula)
Hobart, Tasmania
August 28, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Turbo Chook
Tasmanian nativehen (Tribonyx mortierii)
Giants Table, Tasmania
August 31, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Male fairywren
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus)
Family: Maluridae
September 8, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Female fairywren
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus)
Family: Maluridae
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Welcome swallows squabble
Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena)
September 11, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Landing gear down
Silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)
Wineglass Bay, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
High Oh Silver
Silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)
Port Arthur, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
When silver gulls do the hokey pokey
Silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
This peli-can
Australian pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Flame robin
Flame robin (Petroica phoenicea)
Canon 7Dmark2
September 14, 2015
Scarlet robin
Scarlet robin (Petroica boodang)
September 1, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
White-faced heron
White-faced heron (Egretta novaehollandiae)
September 14, 2015
Grey goshawks, white morph with possum
Grey goshawks, white morph (Accipiter novaehollandiae)
Family: Accipitridae
Inala, Bruny Island
September 4, 2015
Grey goshawk from blind
Grey goshawk, white morph (Accipiter novaehollandiae)
Family: Accipitridae
Inala, Bruny Island
September 2, 2015
Bob Sea eagle
White-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
Family: Accipitridae
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
The Butcher
Grey butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus cinereus)
Family: Artamidae
September 13, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Tawny frogmouth confronted
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Family: Podargidae
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Tawny frogmouth profiled
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Use the force, Luke
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Oh, what a night
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Night walk
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)
Night walk
August 30, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Cock-a too
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Eastern rosella
Eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Green rosella
Green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
Murrayfield, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Green rosella
Green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
Murrayfield, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris)
Port Arthur, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Two pied flyed
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
When oysters are your dream
Pied oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The bird behind the mask
Masked lapwing (Vanellus miles)
Hobart, Tasmania
August 28, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Spotted dove
Spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis)
Hobart, Tasmania
August 28, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Black-faced Cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscescens)
September 12, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Australian wood duck
Australian wood duck (Chenonetta jubata)
Tasman Peninsula
September 13, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Pacific black duck
Pacific black duck (Anas superciliosa)
Tasman Peninsula
August 29, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Cape Barren goose
Cape Barren goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae)
Tasman Peninsula
August 30, 2015
More than a theory
Black swan (Cygnus atratus)
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Black swan (Cygnus atratus)
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Hobart, Australia
August 27, 2015
The end of his peregrinations
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Onboard the superbus
Lowland copperhead snake (Austrelaps superbus)
Family: Elapidae
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
White's skink (Liopholis whitii)
September 8, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
September 9, 2015
Salmon ponds
September 7, 2015
Canon 7DMark2, 400 mm
Bugs and other creepy crawlies
Finger moth
Reddish Anthelid (Anthela addita)
Family: Anthelidae
ID by Gary Opit
The Lea
September 14, 2015
Canon 5DMark2, 100 mm macro
Reddish Anthelid (Anthela addita)
Family: Anthelidae
ID by Gary Opit
The Lea
September 14, 2015
Canon 5DMark2, 100 mm macro
Likely Scioglyptis, possibly Scioglyptis lyciaria
The Lea
September 14, 2015
Canon 5DMark2, 100 mm macro
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Pillar on a stick
Fortesque Bay
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Sawflies in profusion
Pale-brown Sawfly (Pseudoperga lewisii)
ID by Gary Opit
Hobart, Tasmania
August 31, 2015
Gumleaf Grasshopper (Goniaea australasiae), nymph
ID by Gary Opit
Hobart, Tasmania
August 31, 2015
Hand hopper
Gumleaf Grasshopper (Goniaea australasiae), nymph
ID by Gary Opit
Hobart, Tasmania
August 31, 2015
September 5, 2015
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Clear spider
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Spider in web
Night walk
The Lea, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Night walk
The Lea, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
August 31, 2015
September 10, 2015
Canon 5Dmark2
Tick on a Q-tip
September 10, 2015
Canon 5Dmark2
One of the students contacted me with an embedded tick.
I tried a tick removal technique that I recently saw on the internet.
Using a moistened Q-tip, I pushed the tick around in a circle 3 times
and it released - leaving host and pest unharmed.
Tick on a Q-tip
September 10, 2015
Olympus Tough
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Are leeches attracted to blood?
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Leech sequelae
Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Olympus Tough
Marine invertebrates
Wineglass Bay
September 11, 2015
Olympus Tough
Red anemones
Red anemones
September 12, 2015
Olympus Tough
Sea star
September 8, 2015
Wee sea star
Dwarf cushion star (Parvulastra exigua)
Family: Asterinidae (cushion stars)
September 3, 2015
Bruny Island, Tasmania
cf: stars
Sea Star
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Tiny sand dollars
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Limpet, sand dollar, sand
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Person of war
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Olympus Tough
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Olympus Tough
Coral out of water
Coral lichen (Cladia retipora)
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
cf: stars
Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
cf: stars
Conked out
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Hobart, Tasmania
August 31, 2015
Canon 5DMark2
Small orchid
Hobart Botanical Garden
August 31, 2015
Tree fern
September 5, 2015
Fronds at night
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Making a point about tree ferns
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Canon 5Dmark2
September 2, 2015
Pyramidal flower
Tasman Peninsula
September 14, 2015
Moss covered
September 6, 2015
Enchanted tunnel
Penguin walk
September 14, 2015
Neptune's necklace
Neptune's necklace (Hormosira banksii)
Order: Fucales
Family: Hormosiraceae
Freycinet, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
A cry for kelp
Wineglass Bay, Tasmania
September 11, 2015
Olympus Tough
Purse made of kelp
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Fire stick
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Smoke from fire stick
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Making ochre powder
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Narawntapu, Tasmania
with David Gough
September 9, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
cf: Spirals
Abel Tasman
Salamanca, Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Salamanca, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Dog photographer
Salamanca, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Natural history museum
Hobart, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Bruny Island
The neck
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
The beach
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The beach with fog
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Rolling in the waves
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The Bruny lighthouse
Bruny Island Lighthouse, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Lighthouse spiral
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Olympus Tough
Captain Cooke commemorative plaque
Bruny harbor - arrival
Harbor, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Inala Nature Center
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Rock specimen
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Shut your trap
Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula)
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Showy bossiaea (Bossiaea cinerea
Family: Fabaceae (legumes, peas)
Hobart, Tasmania
September, 2015
Giants Table, Maydena
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Road kill lesson
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Goat close
Giants Table, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Tasman Peninsula
Tasman Bridge
Hobart, Tasmania
August 28, 2015
Canon 7D markII
Tasman coast
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
The blowhole
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Canon rebel T5i
Tessellated pavements
Tessellated pavements
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Tessellated pavements
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Olympus Tough
Tessellated pavements at sunset
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Port Arthur
Port Arthur
Port Arthur
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Port Arthur
Port Arthur
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Port Arthur
Port Arthur
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Port Arthur prisoners
Port Arthur
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Island of the Dead
Port Arthur
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Our chariot
Port Arthur cruise
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Mole Creek Caves
Mole Creek Caves, Tasmania
September 11, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Mole Creek Caves, Tasmania
September 11, 2015
Black Sugarloaf
The hut
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Comatricha sample
Comatricha slime mold
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Slime mold
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
From Sarah Lloyd's collection
Slime mold
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Ron's recital - I am like a heron
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Ron dijeridooing it
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Wineglass Bay
View from the pass
Wineglass Bay
Freycinet, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Turtle rock
Hike to Wineglass Bay
Freycinet, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Engineering marvel
Hike to Wineglass Bay
Freycinet, Tasmania
September 12, 2015
Mount Field
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Tall eucalyps
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Waterfall - slow mo
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Alpine cushion
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Historic Ross Bridge in the rain
Ross, Tasmania
September 7, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Gordon Dam
Gordon be dammed
Gordon Dam
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The path to damnation
Gordon Dam
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Overlooking damnation
Gordon Dam
September 6, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
To hell in a handbasket
Gordon Dam
September 6, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
On the road
Powering up the chariot
September 1, 2015
We had two vans, one with a trailer.
Nick usually drove the one with the trailer which required particular skill when backing up.
Road kill tours
September 3, 2015
Whale world
South Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Sculptor: Matt Carney
Pony poo
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September, 2015
Alicia's presentation
Big Table, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon rebele T5i
Nick, dam it
Nick Mooney
Gordon dam
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Many talents
Nick Mooney
Lake Peddar
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Many talents
Nick Mooney
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Tonia in Gonwanaland
Tonia Cochran, Inala Nature Tours
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Michelle and Rodney Dillon
Tonia Cochran, Inala Nature Tours
Murrayfield, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Students at Bay
Wineglass Bay
Freycinet, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Aaron gets high at the Tessellated Pavements
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
September 13, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Warden Jordan
September 7, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Myles nails the shot
Mount Wellington, Tasmania
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The Jordans
With a special guest bomb by Mike.
September 12, 2015
Michelle with freshly-collected oyster
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Rehan, Michelle, and Jordon
Bruny Island Lighthouse, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Descension by Haiy
September 9, 2015
Myles has a banner day
The Neck, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Avi and Tina (the brain-damaged wombat)
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Zheng's talent
The Lea, Tasmania
September 14, 2015
Haiy and her faithful currawong
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 100, 2015
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Charlotte and Rehan
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Olympus Tough
Rehan and Zheng
September 2, 2015
Avi leaves only footprints, takes only photos
September 8, 2015
Brittany jumping kelp
September 3, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Dave gives a lesson in Tasmanian culture
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
The eye and I
Self-portrait in Daimen's eye
September 6, 2015
Canon 5DMark2
September 6, 2015
Canon 5DMark2
Inspiration and execution
September 13, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Malaysian man
Malaysian festival
Salamanca, Tasmania
August 29, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Some people in Australia are so
Northern Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The group with Greg Jordan
The group
This is close to the site where the world Green movement began.
September 5, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group at the neck
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
The group on Bruny
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
The group at Cradle Mountain
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 10, 2015
The group with Sarah and Ron at Black Sugarloaf
Black Sugarloaf, Tasmania
September 8, 2015
The group with David Gough
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group with Rodney Dillon
Murrayfield, Bruny Island,Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group with Russell Warman
University of Tasmania
Hobart, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group with Nigel Swarts
Peter Murrell Conservation Area
Hobart, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group on Mount Wellington
Mount Wellington
September 2, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group at Fortesque Bay
With Luke Gadd, Park Ranger
Fortesque Bay, Tasman Peninsula
September 14, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group at Gumleaves
With Mike and Alban
September 13, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
The group goes sylvanic
September 6, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Making lunch
The Lea, Tasmania
September 1, 2015
Olympus Tough
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Olympus Tough
Tasmaniacs try to resonate with the bridge
September 11, 2015
Closing dinner toast
Closing dinner
The Lea, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Olympus Tough
Darwin in Tasmania
Darwin makes a new friend in Hobart
Prince's Park, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Darwin and Bob in Prince's Park
Prince's Park, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Darwin plaque in Prince's Park
Prince's Park, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Darwin plaque in Hobart Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Orphaned joey
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
The ferry from Bruny
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 4, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Bob, Chuckie, and Ben
with Ben Masterman
Mount Wellington, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Bob, Chuckie, and the lighthouse keeper
Bruny Island Lighthouse
September 3, 2015
Bob, Charles, Sarah, and Tonia
With slime mold expert, Sarah Lloyd
Black Sugarloaf
September 8, 2015
Bob, Tonia
Hobart airport, Tasmania
September 15, 2015
Meditating at Gordon Dam
September 6, 2015
Canon Rebel T5i
Bob displays an unexpected talon
September 2, 2015
Olympus Tough
Bob hurling spear
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Note the tongue technique.
September 11, 2015
Bob goes underground
Mole Creek Caves, Tasmania
September 11, 2015
Bob with sea star
September 8, 2015
cf: stars
Bob and echidna
September 10, 2015
Bob, Chuck, and Roo, too
Bonorong, Tasmania
August 30, 2015
Bob behind pelvis
September 9, 2015
Narawntapu, Tasmania
Fern me once, shame on you
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
Fern me twice, shame on me
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
Trees up
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
CSIRO self-portrait
Salamanca, Hobart, Tasmania
August 27, 2015
Requisite injury
Inala, Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 2, 2015
It's a trap
Camera trap
September 9, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Windshield snowperson
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 5, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Mysterious beacon
Mount Field, Tasmania
September 6, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Cubical wombat scat
September 7, 2015
Canon 7Dmark2
Not to be confused with toasted marshmallows or camel balls...
Camel balls
September 7, 2015
Car crash
September 9, 2015
Our van was the first on the scene at this horrific car crash.
Fortunately the driver was largely unhurt.
Despite the rural location, emergency workers arrived impressively fast,
flipped the car, and took the driver to the hospital for further examination.
Rainbow on a red field
Northern Tasmania
September 7, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Double rainbow
September 7, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
On the edge
Narawntapu, Tasmania
September 9, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
Canon 7DMark2
Thin ice
September 5, 2015
Mount Field, Tasmania
Canon 7DMark2
Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
September 10, 2015
The cosmos
The Milky Way
Bruny Island, Tasmania
September 3, 2015
Canon 7DMark2
cf: stars
Itinerary - in progress
Tasmania itinerary - August 26, 2015 - September 15, 2015
August 26, 2015 - Wednesday
- Arrive Hobart from Melbourne with Aaron Peterson,
taxi to town - Salamanca Inn.
- Late dinner with Aaron at the hotel.
August 27, 2015 - Thursday
- Breakfast at hotel, mostly hang around working, walk around Salamanca.
- Princes Park - Darwin plaque
- Dinner with Aaron at hotel. Meet Jan Foote
August 28, 2015 - Friday - Official arrival day
- Rain!
- Student arrival day, Meet up with Tonia, airport run, drive to the Lea for the opening dinner
- Meet Charlotte and Michael - our caterers for most of the trip
- Stay at the Lea Scout Centre, Hobart
- Night walk with Nick and Tonia
August 29, 2015 - Saturday - Course day 2
- Rain!
- Breakfast at the Lea
- Salamanca market
- Walk to Natural History Museum and have lunch before entering
- Natural History Museum - thylacines and other stuffed animals, exhibit on Aboriginals
- Stop at Botanical Garden
- return to the Lea for dinner
Stay at the Lea Scout Centre, Hobart
August 30, 2015 - Sunday - Course day 3
- Botanical gardens - orchid botanist Nigel Swarts
- Huntington Nature Preserve to look for orchids
- Stay at the Lea Scout Centre, Hobart
August 31, 2015 Monday - Course day 4
- Russell Warman - University of Tasmania School of Land & Food - tour and lecture on forestry industry
- Drive to Mount Wellington - snow!
- Picnic lunch with Ben Masterman - prior to beginning hike
- Mt Wellington walk and talk with Ben Masterman - Mt Wellington ranger
- Bonorong Wildlife Center
- Tour - photos with koala and Tina the wombat
- Feed kangaroos in enclosure
- Stay at the Lea Scout Centre, Hobart
September 1, 2015 Tuesday - Course day 5
- Stop at shopping center - bottle shop, grocery store
- Travel to Bruny Island by car ferry
- The Neck, Bruny Island
- Adventure Bay
- Stay at Murrayfield - slept in converted horse stables, water in bathrooms was questionably recycled
September 2, 2015 Wednesday - Course day 6
- Drive to Inala - wifi, laundry
- Bird blind - grey goshawks
- Walk around Inala - wallabies including white wallaby, 40 spotted pardalotes
- Slip and lacerate my left palm on a rock
- Picnic lunch at Inala
- Tour of Tonia's collections
- Gonwanaland Garden
- Meet up with Rodney Dillon - aboriginal elder
- Walk to midden site, along beach
- Stay at Murrayfield
September 3, 2015 Thursday - Course day 7
- Cape Bruny - Bruny Island Lighthouse
- Lunch at Jetty Beach
- Hike
- Milky Way pictures
- Stay at Murrayfield
September 4, 2015 Friday - Course day 8
- Visit Inala - grey goshawks feeding
- Adventure Bay - Captain Cooke plaque
- Ferry back to mainland
- Stop to take pictures of black swans
- Mount Field
- Stay at Giants Table & Cottages in Maydena - near Mt Field
- Lots of wallaby poop everywhere
September 5, 2015 Saturday - Course day 9
- Mount Field
- Waterfall
- Creepy Crawlie Nature Trail
- Dead raptor lesson by Nick
- Night walk in Mount Field - glow worms
- Stay at Giants Table & Cottages in Maydena - near Mt Field
September 6, 2015 Sunday - Course day 10
- Gordon Dam
- Lunch at Lake Peddar, Ted's Beach
- Visit tree that started the Green movement
- Stay at Giants Table & Cottages in Maydena - near Mt Field
September 7, 2015 Monday - Course day 11
- Leave Maydena
- Salmon Pond - to look for platypus - unsuccessful
- Platypus!
- Stopped in the town of Ross
- Picnic near church, then walk to bridge - rain
- Dinner at Camp Banksia
- Night walk to see penguins with Nick
- Stay at Camp Banksia, Port Sorrell
September 8, 2015 Tuesday - Course day 12
- Sarah Lloyd and Ron Nagorcka at Black Sugarloaf
- Slime mold walk, leeches
- Lunch at their house
- Short concert by Ron - first piano, then digeridoo
- Fairy wrens, skinks
- Drive to Narawntapu
- Second night walk to see penguins
- Stay at Camp Banksia, Port Sorrell
September 9, 2015 Wednesday - Course day 13
- Drive to Narawntapu
- Talk by Dave on aboriginal Tasmanians
- Walk around lake - encounter snakes
- Stop to see artificial penguin habitats made of concrete - designed by Nick
- Encounter car crash on drive to Gowrie Park
- Stay at Gowrie Park Wilderness Village
September 10, 2015 Thursday - Course day 14
- Cradle Mountain, Dove Lake hike
- Haiy and I hiked about park entrance
- Stop for echidna
- Stay at Gowrie Park Wilderness Village
- Currawong, wombats,
September 11, 2015 Friday - Course day 15
- Mole Creek Caves - I think we may have had the same guide as the last time I was here
- Played Assassin and won in round 5 as an assassin (3 of 8)
- Stay at Gumleaves Recreation, Camp Orford
September 12, 2015 Saturday - Course day 16
- Hike to Wineglass Bay
- Drive to Lighthouse and hike up
- Use recreational facilities
- Stay at Gumleaves Recreation, Camp Orford
- Nick left for a day and Tonia returned from Bruny
September 13, 2015 Sunday - Course day 17
- Drive to Tasman Peninsula
- Jordan and Andrew departed
- Port Arthur World Heritage Historic site
- Cruise around bay including Island of the Dead
- Aaron, Tonia and I went to look for birds
- Tessellated pavements at sunset
- Stay at Lufra Hotel, Tasman Peninsula
September 14, 2015 Monday - Course day 18
- Tessellated pavements at sunrise
- Breakfast at Lufra
- Talk by Luke Gadd, Parks & Wildlife Service (Tasman National Park) on island pest eradication - at Lufra
- Drive to Fortesque Bay
- Walk in Park on newly created trekking trail
- Lunch on the beach
- Devil's Kitchen, Tasman Arch, Blowhole
- Drive back to Hobart, stop at bottle shop
- Talent show night
- Stay at the Lea Scout Centre, Hobart
September 15, 2015 Tuesday - Course day 19
- Breakfast at the Lea, Tonia drove us to the airport in the van,
- Depart Hobart for Sydney, LAX, and SFO with Aaron Peterson,
- Quickly cleared customs in LAX
- Picked up by Wendy, SFO
Related pages
Kangaroos and Wallabies
Papua New Guinea 2015
Papua New Guinea 2002
Papua New Guinea 2001
Rehan Adamjee
Carlos Aguilar
Avi Bagla
Brittany Hallawell
Jordan Huelskamp
Myles Keating
Haiy Le
Michelle Lee
Zheng Ma
Alicia Menendez
Aaron Peterson
Daimen Sagastume
I am very grateful to many, many people for making this such a fabulous trip.
Most especially, however, I would like to acknowledge
Tonia Cochran and Nick Mooney - from Inala,
Melanie Centeno and Yosefa Gilon from BOSP, and
Jordan Shapiro - my fabulous course assistant!
I would also like to acknowledge Charlotte, Mike and their son Alban - our wonderful caterers,
and our many outstanding speakers who enlightened us about a variety of issues regarding Tasmanian Island Biogeography.
Both the course the experience were greatly enhanced by various speakers and guides including:
- Andrew Hingston,
- Ben Masterman,
- Russell Warman,
- Nigel Swarts,
- Greg Jordan,
- Sarah Lloyd,
- Ron Nagorcka,
- Luke Gadd,
- Rodney Dillon,
- David Gough, and more
Thanks to Gary Opit for help identifying Tasmanian arthropods
And, of course, many thanks to my 12 intrepid students, who despite their internet addiction,
stayed engaged, enthusiastic, and joyful from the beginning to the end of the trip.
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Last modified: June 15, 2020
Created: April 21, 2015
contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.