Robert Siegel
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Bovines - cows, zebu, buffalo, bison
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Click here for other bovids - zebu, buffalo, bison, yak
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Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae (7 species in 5 genera depicted - out of around 143 species)
Subfamily Bovinae (10 genera total)
See also antelope.html - two additional bovinae genera depicted
Yak (Bos grunniens )
Zebu (Bos indicus )
Cattle (Bos taurus )
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Water buffalo (Bubalus)
American Bison (Bison bison)
Yak (Bos grunniens )
Yak attack
How he rows in his field
Holy cow at Chendebji
Zebu (Bos indicus )
Zebu on the move
Zebu mobile
Cattle (Bos taurus )
Pastoral with cow
Cow nose
Cow (Bos taurus)
Hadrian's Wall, England
April 19, 2004
Canon rebel original
Curious cows
Cows (Bos taurus)
Family: Bovidae
En route to Pousada Aguapé
The Pantanal
July 23, 2019
Canon EOS 7Dmark II
Your cake is simply bovine, my deer.
October 27, 2013
Cape buffalo
Buff Fellow
African buffalo or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
With red-billed oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus)
Family: Buphagidae (formerly in Sturnidae)
Kenya - Masai Mara
Summer, 2008
Chobe, Botswana
February 20, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Buffalo with hitch-hiker
Chobe, Botswana
February 20, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Buffalo head
Chobe, Botswana
February 20, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
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Last modified: May 14, 2020
created: January, 2008
contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.