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Welcome to Freidin's
Isaac Babel Page
A Jew
on Horseback: Isaac Babel in Russia and America (Stanford University Press, forthcoming) |
the Revolution as an Aesthetic Phenomenon,"
Nietzsche and Soviet Culture:
Ally and Adversary,
ed. by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal
(Oxford University Press, 1994). The Russian version: "Babel': Revoliutsiia kak esteticheskii
fenomen," Novoe
literaturnoe obozrenie 4 (Moscow, 1993). |
Babel," European Writers: The Twentieth Century (New York:
Scribners, 1990) |
"La 'grande svolta'. L'Occidente e
l'Italia nella biografia di I.E. Babel all'inizio degli anni '30."
Special issue of Storia contemporanea 6 (1991): Intelletuali e
cultura antidemocratica tra le due guerra mondiali. |
"Fat Tuesday in Odessa: Isaac Babel's
'Di Grasso' as Testament and Manifesto," The Russian Review
40, no. 2 (April 1981):101-21. An abbreviated version
reprinted in Isaac Babel, ed. and with an intro.
by Harold Bloom (NY: Chelsea House
Publishers, 1987) |

last updated:
October, 2004