© 2015
Afflicted Powers
video installation with broadsides
video 5:51, dimensions variable
A RETORT collaboration, commissioned by Okui Enwezor for the 2006 Seville Biennial. This project came about when members of RETORT (including myself) created broadsides which were distributed in San Franciso during the protests on 2/15/03. These broadsides grew into a book (Afflicted Powers, Verso Press 2005), by Iain Boal, T.J. Clark, Joseph Matthews and Michael Watts. These authors were joined by James Brook, Franco Moretti, Anne Wagner and myself for a second broadside for Seville. I created a video, which connects the Spanish Civil War and bombing of Guernica to contemporary war protests and aerial bombing. Together, we designed the installation for its setting in the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo.