CTL 100
The Next Three Years: Making the Most of Stanford

[This version: June 7, 2011]

2010-2011 Spring Quarter, Stanford University
1 unit
Grading: S/NC only
Wednesdays, 8:15-9:45 pm in the Wilbur Meeting Room

Instructor: Todd Davies
Instructor email address: davies at stanford.edu

Course website: http://www.stanford.edu/~davies/ctl100-syllabus.html

Course blog: http://ctl100.wordpress.com
photo of Stanford commencement ceremony


This course is designed for frosh approaching the end of year one at Stanford. The goal is to help you think more broadly and more deeply about the remainder of your Stanford undergraduate education, reflecting on what you have learned so far. Weekly meetings will consist of presentations and discussions, emphasizing an integrated approach to making the most of Stanford. The course will include guest lecturers and background readings. Aspects of a student's life that will be discussed include coursework, residential life, personal health and development, extracurricular groups, different types of relationships (friends and close others, teacher-student, advisor-advisee, peer mentoring), community and public service, and career development. The course should build your knowledge of and ability to use the many resources at Stanford designed to assist you in all these areas, as well as connecting you with the experiences of other students, helping you to peer into your own future.


There are no explicit prerequisites for this course, but it is intended for freshmen. Enrollment is limited to 30 students.


Each course session will begin with introductory remarks from the instructor, followed by a main lecture of approximately 30 minutes. These parts of the session will be posted in audio format (with slides if available) on this website. The remaining 45 minutes or so of each session will generally consist of student discussion, which will not be recorded.

Background materials will be posted in advance on this website for each session, and you are advised to read them. The course will also have a blog, which will be opened during the first week when the class meets.

Course Requirements:

The course meets for 9 weeks, April 6 - June 1. You must fully attend at least seven of the sessions, and post a comment on the blog entry for each of those sessions, to receive credit. If you miss more than two sessions, you may make them up, with approval, by writing a 3-5 page paper (double spaced) reflecting on that week's audio recording for each one you miss beyond two.

Course Outline (check back each week for updates):

Guest Lecturer(s)
Background Material
April 6
Course Overview: Questioning Everything

April 13
Choosing Courses and Majors
Cari Costanzo Kapur and Glenn Brody Magid, Academic Directors, Undergraduate Advising and Research
audio [.mp3]
April 20
Being Well
Carole Pertofsky, Vaden Health Center
audio [.mp3]
April 27
Managing Your Time
Adina Glickman, Center for Teaching and Learning audio [.mp3]
May 4
Getting to Know Faculty
Clifford Nass, Communication Department; and Mark Musen, School of Medicine
audio [.mp3]
May 11
Doing Good and Doing Well
Thomas Schnaubelt, Haas Center for Public Service
Schnaubelt-slides [.pdf]

Davies-slides [.pdf]

audio [.mp3]
May 18
Finding Your Identity
Tania Mitchell, Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

Student panel:
* Roseann Cima ('11, Symbolic Systems)
* Michael Cruz ('12, History)
* Jordan Dickson ('12, Political Science)
* Ernst Fattakhov ('12, Biomechanical Engineering)
* Martin Padilla ('12, Biology)
* Emily Vogel ('11, Psychology)
Davies-slides [.pdf]

audio [.mp3]
May 25
Maintaining Relationships
Alejandro Martinez, Counseling and Psychological Services
Davies-slides [.pdf]

audio [.mp3]
June 1
Stanford - Then What?!
David Evans, Stanford Design Program
Evans-slides [.pdf]

audio [.mp3]