- Research Interests
I conduct research in the design, analysis, and applications
of algorithms. I also use techniques from optimization,
probability, stochastics, and game theory in my research. I
like to get deep into applications, with the goal being
tangible impact in the application domain, not just
collaborations with practitioners or papers in applied
venues. Current application interests include Social Networks
and Social
Algorithms; Social Choice and
Democracy; Internet Commerce; Reputation, Recommendation,
and Trust Systems; Algorithms for large scale data
processing. In addition to advancing technology, I am also
excited about developing algorithms that improve how we
interact with each other and the networked world around
I have also spent significant time in industry, including Twitter (brief writeup)
, Teapot (acquired by Stripe), and Stripe.
Our research group has developed two widely used social choice platforms: The Stanford Participatory Budgeting Platform and The Stanford Online Deliberation Platform .
My background is in algorithms, and my earlier applications were in core computer science topics: networks, molecular self-assembly, search, advertising, and social networks. Why am I studying social choice now?
Short Bio
The Operations Research group in MS&E
Theoretical Computer Science
The Social Algorithms Lab . Also see the RAIN seminar
The Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
The Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team