Hans N. Weiler

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Welcome to my Homepage!

*** Meine deutsche Homepage finden Sie hier ***.


I am a Professor Emeritus of Education and Political Science at Stanford University, and a Professor Emeritus of Comparative Politics and past Rektor of Viadrina European University at Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.

My three-year term as "Academic Secretary to the University" at Stanford has ended on August 31, 2017. My successor is Thomas Wasow (wasow@stanford.edu).

More biographical information (in .pdf format) is available in the form of a detailed CV or a shorter Biographical Note.

For a list of recent publications, click here.

I can be reached as follows:

Hans N. Weiler
14500 Fruitvale Avenue - Apt 5314
Saratoga, CA 95070 - USA
Phone: +1-408-741-7341
Mobile: +1-650-714-8607
Email: weiler@stanford.edu

We have given up our Berlin address on the Einsteinufer at the end of 2012.

The fastest way to reach me is usually by email.

Recent Writings

Here is a listing of recently completed papers, publications, and presentations (primarily in English), most of which can be downloaded (in .pdf or .ppt format); additional texts in German, including a number of recent presentations in Germany, can be found on my German homepage.

Earlier Projects

The projects I have been involved in in some prior years include

Last Updated: August 24, 2019
Copyright 2019, Hans Weiler, weiler@stanford.edu