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Rajendran V, Ilamathi HS, Dutt S, Lakshminarayana TS and Ghosh PC (2018) Chemotherapeutic potential of monensin as an anti-microbial agent. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 18(22):1976-1986. pdf
Rajendran V, Hasan GM, Kumar N, Dutt S, Garg N, Tiwari P and Ghosh PC (2016) Therapeutic efficacy of chloroquine in long circulating liposome formulations against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium berghei infection in mice. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3 (11) 258-264. pdf
Rajendran V, Rohra S, Raza M, Hasan GM, Dutt S and Ghosh PC. (2015) Stearylamine Liposomal Delivery 1 of Monensin in combination with free Artemisinin eliminates blood stages of P. falciparum in culture and P. berghei infection in murine malaria. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy60 (3) 1304-18. pdf
Sanyal M, Morimoto M, Baradaran-Heravi A, Choi K, Kambham N, Jensen K, Dutt S, Dionis-Petersen KY, Liu LX, Felix K, Mayfield C, Dekel B, Bokenkamp A, Fryssira H, Guillen-Navarro E, Lama G, Brugnara M, Lücke T, Olney AH, Hunley TE, Polat AI, Yis U, Bogdanovic R, Mitrovic K, Berry S, Najera L, Najafian B, Gentile M, Nur Semerci C, Tsimaratos M, Lewis DB, Boerkoel CF. (2015) Lack of IL7Rα expression in T cells is a hallmark of T-cell immunodeficiency in Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia (SIOD). Clinical Immunology 161(2): 355-365. pdf
Yonezawa A, Dutt S, Chester C, Kim J and Kohrt H (2015) Boosting cancer immunotherapy with anti-CD137 antibody therapy. Clinical Cancer Research 21(14):3113-3120. pdf
Filatenkov A, Baker J, Mueller AM, Kenkel J, Ahn G, Dutt S, Zhang N, Kohrt H, Jensen K, Dejbakhsh-Jones S, Shizuru JA, Negrin R, Engleman EG and Strober S (2015) Ablative Tumor Radiation Can Change the Tumor Immune Cell Microenvironment to Induce Durable Complete Remissions. Clinical Cancer Research 21(16): 3727-3739. pdf
Filatenkov A, Baker J, Mueller AM, Ahn G, Kohrt H, Dutt S, Jensen K , Dejbakhsh-Jones S, Negrin RS, Shizuru JA, Engleman EG and Strober S (2014) Treatment of 4T1 metastatic breast cancer with combined hypofractionated radiation and autologous T cell infusion. Radiation Research 182(2): 163-169. pdf
Dutt S, Baker J, Kohrt HE, Kambham N, Sanyal M, Negrin RS, and Strober S (2011) CD8+ CD44hi but not CD4+CD44hi memory T cells mediate potent graft anti-lymphoma activity without GVHD. Blood 117 (11) :3230-3239. pdf Hongo D, Tang X, Dutt S, Nador RG, and Strober S (2011) Interactions between NKT cells and Tregs are required for tolerance to combined bone marrow and organ transplants. Blood 119(6):1581-1589. pdf Kohrt HE, Müller AMS, Baker J, Goldstein MJ, Newell E, Dutt S, Czerwinski D, Lowsky R, Strober S (2011) Donorimmunization with WT1 peptide augments anti-leukemic activity after MHC-matched bone marrow transplantation. Blood 18(19):5319-5329. pdf Pillai A, George TI, Dutt S, Strober S (2009) Host natural killer T cells induce an IL-4 dependent expansion of donor CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs that protects against graft-versus-host disease Blood 113(18): 4458-4467. pdf Dutt S, Tseng D, Ermann J, George TI, Liu YP, Davis CR, Fathman CG, Strober S (2007) Naive and memory T Cells induce different types of graft-versus-host disease. Journal of Immunology 179(10): 6547-6554. pdf Dutt S, Ermann J, Tseng D, Liu YP, George TI, Fathman CG, Strober S (2005) L-Selectin and b7 integrin on donor CD4 T cells are required for the early migration to host mesenteric lymph nodes and acute colitis of graft -versus -host disease. Blood 106(12): 4009-4015. pdf Pillai A, George TI, Dutt S, Strober S (2007) Host NKT cells prevent graft-versus host disease and permit graft anti-tumor activity after bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Immunology 178(10): 6242-6251. pdf Ermann J, Hoffmann P, Edinger M, Dutt S, Blankenberg F, Higgins JP, Negrin RS, Fathman GC, Strober S (2005) Only the CD62L+ subpopulation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells protects from lethal acute GVHD. Blood 105(5): 2220-2226. pdf Raychaudhuri SP, Dutt S, Raychaudhuri SK, Sanyal M and Farber EM (2001) Severe combined immunodeficiency mouse-human skin chimeras: a Unique animal model for the study of psoriasis and cutaneous inflammation. British Journal of Dermatology 144(5): 931-939. pdf Doctoral Thesis Dutt S, Studies on liposomal monensin and its application potential. (2000) University of Delhi. (Advisor : Prof. P. C. Ghosh).