Invited talks and lecturesAmerican Society for Virology 34th Annual Meeting (London, Ontario, Canada), Identification of Targets of Heterotypic B Cell Immunity to Rotavirus in Humans. July 12, 2015.
West Bengal State University, Department of Zoology Barasat, India: Applications of high-dimensional flow cytometry in molecular immunology. 2nd January 2015.
Society for Systems Biology & Translational Research, (Kolkata, India): Human immune response analysis and personalized medicine. December 28, 2014.
Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (Orlando, Florida): Identification of human nasal mucosal epithelial stem cells. April 13, 2013. West Bengal State University, Department of Zoology, Barasat, India: Transcriptional control of lymphocyte development: Role of proto-oncogene Pbx1. 30th December, 2011. Stanford University, Len Herzenberz’s 80th Birthday Symphosium: Lack of IL-7 receptor alpha chain (CD127) expression in T cells is a hallmark of T-cell immunodeficiency in Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia (SIOD). 5th November, 2011 Vanderbilt University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology: Role of Pbx1 in B cell development. 18th July, 2005. 2nd Joint Meeting International Psoriasis Symposium and European Congress on Psoriasis (San Francisco, California): Study of NGF-R positive fibers in transplanted psoriatic plaques in SCID mouse: Role of neurogenic inflammation in pathogenesis of psoriasis. 20th June, 2001. Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati, India: Sanyal M, Kumar VS, Gupta S and Das C. Modulation of trophoblast functions by growth factors and cytokines: proliferation and invasion. Young Scientist Symposium on Reproductive Health Issues, May 1997. Goa Medical College, Goa, India: Contribution of trophoblast invasiveness in embryo implantation: A key reproductive process. Young Scientist Symposium on Frontiers in Reproductive Biology, February 1996. Indira Gandhi Medical Collage, Shimla, India : Plasminogen activator and its Inhibitor in trophoblast invasion and differentiation. Young Scientist Symposium on Frontiers in Reproductive Biology Research, October 1996. Abstract and Posters Presented in Scientific Conferences Sanyal M, Dionis KY, Baradaran-Heravi A, Dekel B, Bökenkamp A, Boerkoel CF and Lewis DB. Lack of IL-7 Receptor Alpha Chain (CD127) Expression In T Cells Is a Hallmark of T-Cell Immunodeficiency In Schimke Immuno-Osseous Dysplasia (SIOD). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 2767. Conference: 51st American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 3-7, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA. Baradaran-Heravi, A., Morimoto, M., Tolhuis, B., Shaw, C., Sanyal, M., Raams, A., Bokenkamp, A., Cho, K. S., Myung, C., Leung, D., Fam, A., Choi, K., Huang, Y., Lou, S., Huang, C., Elizondo, L. I., van Lohuizen, M., Jaspers, N. G. J., Lewis, D., Boerkoel, C. F. Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia: A Mendelian complex trait arising from impaired DNA maintenance and global alterations in gene expression. 60th Annual ASHG meeting. November 2-6, 2010, Washington, DC. Sanyal M, Fernandez R, Sagi Y, Levy S. CD81, a T cell co-stimulatory molecule, is not required for T cell development. 14th International Congress of Immunology. August 22-2, Kobe, Japan. Sanyal M, Fernandez R, and Levy S. Enhanced B cell activation in the absence of CD81. BLOOD 112 (11): 2578, NOV 16 2008. Conference: 50th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 6-9, 2008 San Francisco, CA, USA. Sanyal M, Fernandez R, and Levy S. Critical role for CD81 in B cell activation. BLOOD 110 (11) Part 1: p404a, NOV 16 2007. Conference: 49th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 8-11, 2007 Atlanta, GA, USA. Moriyama M, Sanyal M, Britchgi M, Buckwalter M, Levy S, Hokers M, Wyss-Coray T, Complement Receptor 2 is expressed by neural progenitor cells and regulates adult neurogenesis in the mouse hippocampus, Society for Neuroscoence, November 2007 ( San Diego, California, USA). Sanyal M, Shoham T, Fernandez R, and Levy S. Absence of CD81 paradoxically results in a hyper-IgM and IgG response to T-independent antigens. BLOOD 108 (11): 488a, 1719 Part 1 NOV 16 2006. Conference: 48th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology; December 9-11, 2006; Orlando, Fl, USA. Sanyal M, Shoham T, Fernandez R and Levy S. Modulation of immune response by CD81. 2006 FASEB Summer Research Conferences on Membrane Organization by Tetraspanins and Small Multi-Transmembrane Proteins; July 22 - July 27, Tucson, Arizona. Cleary ML, Wang Z, Sanyal M, and Ficara F. Contributions of the Hox cofactor Pbx1 to normal and neoplastic hematopoiesis. 2005 FASEB Summer Research Conferences Hematopoietic Malignancies July 30 – August 4,Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, Vermont. Sanyal M, Tung JW, Dejbakhsh-Jones S, Strober S , Herzenberg LA and ClearyML. The transcription factor Pbx1 is required for the development of double positive thymic T cells. Blood; November 16, 2004; v.104, no.11, p.759a Conference: 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology; December 03-07, 2004; San Diego, CA, USA. Yokoyama A, Wang Z, Wysocka J, Sanyal M, Aufiero DJ, Kitabayashi I, Herr W and Cleary ML. Leukemia proto-oncoprotein MLL forms a SETI like complex with menin to regulate Hox gene expression. Blood; November 16, 2003; v.102, no.11, p.599a. Conference: 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology; December 06-09, 2003; San Diego, CA, USA Sanyal M, Tung JW, Herzenberg LA, Cleary ML. Pbx1 contributes to the development of early B-cell progenitors. Blood; November 16, 2003; v.102, no.11, p.567a. Conference: 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology; December 06-09, 2003; San Diego, CA, USA. Sanyal M and Cleary ML. Identification of transcriptional targets for proto-oncogene Pbx1. FASEB summer Research Conference on Hematological Malignancies, Vermont Academy, Vermont, 2003. DiMartino JF, Sanyal M, Prohaska SS, Weissman IL, Cleary ML. Pbx1 is required for normal lymphoid reconstitution by fetal liver progenitors. Blood; November 16, 2001; v.98, no.11 Part 1, p.66a Conference: 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Part 1; December 07-11, 2001; Orlando, Florida, USA. Sanyal M, Prohaska SS, DiMartino J, Weissman IL and Cleary ML. (2001) Role of the Pbx1 proto-oncogene in lymphopoiesis. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Haematological Malignancies. Snowmass, Colorado, July 2001. Sanyal M, Roychudhuri SP, Roychudhuri SK, Weltman H and Farber EM (2001) Study of NGF-R positive Fibers in Transplanted Psoriatic Plaques in SCID Mouse: Role of Neurogenic Inflammation in Pathogenesis of Psoriasis. Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology 14 (3): 136-175. (May-June 2001). Roychudhuri SP, Roychudhuri SK, Sanyal M, Weltman H, Farber EM (2000) FASEB Journal 14 (6): A1247. Immunology 2000, The American Association of Immunologists and the Clinical Immunology Society Joint Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, May 2000. Sanyal M and Das C. (1998) Immunomodulators in Human Trophoblast-Uterus Cross-Talk: Cytokines, Growth Factors and Nitric Oxide. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 40(4): 224. VII International Congress of Reproductive Immunology, New Delhi, India. Sengupta S, Velpandian T, Sapra P, Sanyal M and Gupta SK. Etoposide encapsulated long circulating liposomes: Improved antitumor efficacy with reduced adverse effects. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Ppharmacology; (1998) 358(1) suppl. 2, R531-R531. Sanyal M, Kumar VS, Gupta S. and Das C. Role of Immunomodulators on Trophoblast Proliferation., 24th Annual Conference of Indian Immunological Society and Symposium on Immunomodulation in Health and Disease. December 22-24, 1997, Calcutta, India. Sanyal M, and Das C. Membrane Fusion and Trophoblast Function. 24th Annual Conference of The Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, December 12-14, 1997 Science City, Calcutta, India. Sanyal M, Kumar VS, Gupta S. and Das C. Nitric Oxide As Synchroniser Of Trophoblast Proliferation And Differentiation, International Symposium on Signal Transduction in Health and Disease (STADY), November 16-19, 1997, Tel Aviv, Israel. Sengupta S, Sapra P, Sanyal M, Velpandian T and Gupta S. Development of Etoposide encapsulated Liposomes : A Novel Antineoplastic Approach. Tridecennial Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, November 14-16, 1997. Government Medical College, Jammu, India. Sanyal M, Kumar VS, Gupta S. and Das C. Growth factor Modulation of Trophoblast Proliferation. , Control of Proliferation of Normal and Cancer Cells, November 5-7, 1997 at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India. Kumar VS, Sanyal M, Gupta S and Das C. Modulation of Trophoblast Functions by Growth Factors and Cytokines: Differentiation and Endocrine Secretion. Young Scientist Symposium on Reproductive Health Issues, May 1997, Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati, India. Das C and Sanyal M. Trophoblast Invasion and Differentiation: Possible Mechanisms, The 13th Rochester Trophoblast Conference and The Thomas G. Wegmann Memorial Symposium on Reproductive Immunology September, 1996, University of Alberta, Canada. Das C and Sanyal M. Role of Collagenase-IV and Plasminogen Activator on Trophoblast Invasiveness and Differentiation. 10th International Congress on Endocrinology, June 1996. USA. Sanyal M and Das C. Inhibition of Collagenase-IV Inhibits Trophoblast Differentiation, 4th International Symposium on Biochemical roles of Eukaryotic Cell Surface Macromolecules, National Institute of Immunology, January 1996 , New Delhi, India. (Received best poster award).