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viewing the symbols defined so far

After using Macaulay 2 for a while, you may have stored data in several variables. The system also stores output values for you in output variables. You may wish to free the memory space occupied by that data, or you may simply wish to remind yourself where you stored a previously computed value.

We may use the command listUserSymbols to obtain a list of the user's symbols encountered so far.

i1 : ff = 20:4; hh = true; kk

o3 = kk

o3 : Symbol
i4 : listUserSymbols

o4 = ff: Sequence
     o1: Sequence
     hh: Boolean
     o2: Boolean
     kk: Symbol
     o3: Symbol

The symbols are listed in chronological order, and the type of value stored under it is displayed.

We can clear the output symbols with clearOutput.

i5 : clearOutput
i6 : listUserSymbols

o6 = ff: Sequence
     hh: Boolean
     kk: Symbol

We can clear all the symbols with clearAll.

i7 : clearAll
i8 : listUserSymbols

o8 = ff: Symbol
     hh: Symbol
     kk: Symbol

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