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sheafExt^ZZ(CoherentSheaf,CoherentSheaf) -- sheaf Ext of coherent sheaves


  • Usage: E = sheafExt^n(F,G)
  • Operator: sheafExt -- sheaf Ext of coherent sheaves
  • Input:
  • F, an instance of class ZZ.
  • G, an instance of class CoherentSheaf.
  • E, an instance of class CoherentSheaf: the n-th sheaf Ext of F and G.
  • Output:
  • E, an instance of class CoherentSheaf: the n-th sheaf Ext of F and G.
  • Code:

         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/varieties.m2:321-322
              (n,F,G) -> prune sheaf Ext^n(module F, module G)

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