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showStructure -- show relationship between types

showStructure -- a command which displays the structure of types assigned to global variables.
showStructure (X,Y,...) -- a command which displays the structure of the types specified.

Each such type is displayed to the right of its parent.

A type is an instance of Type, by definition.

i1 : showStructure

o1 = Thing : BasicList : Expression : AssociativeExpression : Equation
                                      Holder : OneExpression
                         MarkUpList : ANCHOR
                         VisibleList : Array
             HashTable : ModuleMap : Matrix
                         MutableHashTable : GradedModule : ChainComplex
                                            Type : MarkUpType : EmptyMarkUpType
                                                   Monoid : OrderedMonoid : GeneralOrderedMonoid : GeneralOrderedGroup
                                                   Ring : EngineRing : FractionField
                                            Variety : AffineVariety
                         RingElement : ZZZ
                         Tally : Set
             Net : String

See also:

  • showUserStructure -- show relationship between types defined by user
  • parent
  • The command showStructure is a member of the class Command.

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