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GradedModule ** ChainComplex -- tensor product


  • Operator: ** -- a binary operator, usually used for tensor product
  • Input:
  • an instance of class GradedModule.
  • an instance of class ChainComplex.
  • Output:
  • an instance of class ChainComplex.
  • Next more general method: GradedModule ** GradedModule -- a binary operator, usually used for tensor product

  • C**D -- the tensor product of a graded module with a chain complex.

    The result is a chain complex.


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/chaincomplexes.m2:725-732
         GradedModule ** ChainComplex := ChainComplex => (C,D) -> (
              P := youngest(C,D);
              key := (C,D,symbol **);
              if P#?key then P#key
              else C**D = (
                   chainComplex C ** D

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