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Reading the Documentation

The documentation is divided into the main parts, the User's Guide and the Reference Manual. The reference manual is organized mainly according to the types of things, and reflects the particular way we've programmed the system. For example, if you want to find out about matrices, then you might get there by clicking first on Thing, then click on Type, and then on Matrix. The user's guide is organized more according to mathematical topics that might occur to an initial user, and might be a good place to look first.

The documentation for Macaulay 2 is available in several formats. The directory Macaulay2-0.9.2/html contains the documentation in html form, suitable for viewing with a web browser such as lynx or Netscape, and this is the best way to view it. The command M2-help will start your favorite web browser and point direct it to the web pages there. Each documentation page has a text box for entering a search string. This will work if you view the documentation at our web site; it will work on your local machine only if you or your system administrator has already installed htdig, which is a free indexing package available at http://www.htdig.org/.

Finally, all the documentation can be viewed within the program in text form using help.

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