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Ring _ ZZ -- get a variable by number


  • Operator: _
  • Input:
  • an instance of class Ring.
  • an instance of class ZZ.
  • Output:
  • an instance of class RingElement.
  • R_i -- produce the i-th generator of a ring R.

    The indexing of generators is based on 0, so R_0 would be the first one, and so on.

    i1 : R = ZZ[a..d]

    o1 = R

    o1 : PolynomialRing
    i2 : R_2

    o2 = c

    o2 : R


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/enginering.m2:222
         Ring _ ZZ := RingElement => (R,i) -> (generators R)#i

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