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variety CoherentSheaf -- get the variety under a sheaf


  • Function: variety -- get the variety
  • Input:
  • an instance of class CoherentSheaf.
  • Output:
  • an instance of class Variety.
  • variety F -- produce the variety over which a coherent sheaf is defined.

    i1 : X = Proj(QQ[x,y,z])

    o1 = X

    o1 : ProjectiveVariety
    i2 : OO_X(3)

    o2 = OO  (3)

    o2 : coherent sheaf on X, free
    i3 : variety oo

    o3 = X

    o3 : ProjectiveVariety


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/varieties.m2:113
         variety CoherentSheaf := Variety => (F) -> F.variety

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