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vars (...) -- variables


  • Function: vars -- variables
  • Input:
  • an instance of class Sequence.
  • There is no limit on the size or sign of the integers i and j. The symbols returned are single letters, or the letter x or X followed by some digits.

    i1 : vars(3 .. 9, 33 .. 35, 1000 .. 1002, -100 .. -98)

    o1 = (d, e, f, g, h, i, j, H, I, J, x948, x949, x950, X100, X99, X98)

    o1 : Sequence


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/indeterminates.m2:33
         vars List := vars Sequence := args -> apply(flatten splice args, j -> vars j)

    search for: