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= -- assignment

x = e -- assigns the value e to the variable x.

x#i = e -- assigns the value e to the i-th member of the array x. Here i must be a nonnegative integer.

x#k = e -- assigns the value e to the key k in the hash table x. Here k can be any expression.

(a,b,c) = x -- assigns the members of the sequence x as values of the variables a, b, c. If x has too few elements, then the trailing symbols on the left side are given the value null. If x has too many elements, then the last symbol on the left hand side is given as value a sequence containing the trailing elements of the right hand side. If the right hand side is not a sequence, then a gets the value, and b and c get null.

See also:

  • HashTable -- the class of all hash tables
  • := -- assignment of method or new local variable
  • GlobalReleaseHook
  • GlobalAssignHook -- hook for assignment to global variables

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