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what a class is

In Macaulay 2 the behavior of a function depends heavily on the types of the arguments it's presented with. For example, the expression x+y means the sum if x and y are integers, but it means the union if x and y are sets. To implement this in a clean fashion, we store the code for doing things with sets in something called Set and store the code for doing things with integers in something called ZZ. We say that each integer is an instance of ZZ, and ZZ is the class (or type) of each integer. The function class provides the class of an object, and the function instance tells whether an given object is an instance of a given class, or a subclass of it, and so on.

i1 : class 33

o1 = ZZ

o1 : Ring

  --  the class of all integers
i2 : instance(33,ZZ)

o2 = true
i3 : instance(33,String)

o3 = false

The corresponding mathematical idea is that ZZ is the set of all integers.

The class of all classes or types is called Type.

i4 : instance(ZZ,Type)

o4 = true
i5 : instance(33,Type)

o5 = false

The class of all objects in the system is Thing.

i6 : instance(33,Thing)

o6 = true

Everything has a class, and every class has a parent. The parent class represents a broader class of objects, and is used to contain code that applies to the broader class. For example, ZZ is a ring, and every ring is also a type.

i7 : class ZZ

o7 = Ring

o7 : Type

  --  the class of all rings
i8 : parent class ZZ

o8 = Type

o8 : Type

  --  the class of all types

Types are implemented as hash tables -- it's a versatile way of storing bits of code that are needed in various situations; the keys for the hash table are constructed in a certain way from the function and the types of its arguments whose details the user doesn't need to know.

For more details, see one of the topics below.

  • class -- class of an object
  • parent
  • instance -- whether something has a certain type
  • ancestor -- whether one type is an ancestor of another
  • newClass -- copy an object, changing the class
  • new -- new objects of various types
  • For related topics, see one of the following.

  • uniform -- test whether elements of a list are of the same class
  • Thing -- the class of all things
  • Nothing -- the empty class
  • Type -- the class of all types
  • MutableList -- the class of all mutable lists
  • MutableHashTable -- the class of all mutable hash tables
  • SelfInitializingType -- the class of all self initializing types

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