Here's our January 12, 2025 release!
This release has no new chapters, but fixes typos and also adds new slides and updated old slides. Individual chapters and updated slides are below.
Here is a single pdf of Jan 12, 2025 book!
Feel free to use the draft chapters and slides in your classes, print it out, whatever, the resulting feedback we get from you makes the book better!
Typos and comments are very welcome (just email slp3edbugs@gmail.com
and let us know the date on the draft)!
(Don't bother reporting missing refs due to cross-chapter cross-reference problems in the indvidual chapter pdfs, those are fixed in the full book draft)
Gratitude! We've put up a list here of the amazing people who have sent so many fantastic suggestions and bug-fixes for improving the book.
We are really grateful to all of you for your help, the book would not be possible without you!
How to cite the book:
Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. 2025. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition with Language Models, 3rd edition. Online manuscript released January 12, 2025. https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3.
A bib entry for the book is here.
When will the book be finished? Don't ask.
If you need the previous Aug 2024 draft chapters,
they are here;
Chapter |
Slides |
| Part I: Fundamental Algorithms |
1: | Introduction |
2: |
Regular Expressions, Tokenization, Edit Distance |
2: Text Processing
2: Edit Distance
3: |
N-gram Language Models |
3: [pptx]
4: |
Naive Bayes, Text Classification, and Sentiment |
4: [pptx]
5: |
Logistic Regression |
5: [pptx]
6: |
Vector Semantics and Embeddings |
6: [pptx]
7: |
Neural Networks
7: [pptx] [pdf]
8: |
RNNs and LSTMs |
8: [pptx] [pdf]
| 9: |
9: [pptx]
10: |
Large Language Models |
10: [pptx]
| 11: | Masked Language Models |
11: [pptx] [pdf]
| 12: |
Model Alignment, Prompting, and In-Context Learning |
| Part II: NLP Applications |
13: | Machine Translation |
14: | Question Answering, Information Retrieval, and RAG |
15: | Chatbots and Dialogue Systems |
15 [pptx]
16: | Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech |
| Part III: Annotating Linguistic Structure |
17: |
Sequence Labeling for Parts of Speech and Named Entities |
17: (Intro only) [pptx] [pdf]
18: | Context-Free Grammars and Constituency Parsing |
19: | Dependency Parsing |
20: | Information Extraction: Relations, Events, and Time |
21: | Semantic Role Labeling and Argument Structure |
22: | Lexicons for Sentiment, Affect, and Connotation |
23: | Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking |
24: | Discourse Coherence |
| Appendix Chapters (will be just on the web) |
A: | Hidden Markov Models |
B: | Spelling Correction and the Noisy Channel |
C: | Statistical Constituency Parsing |
D: | Context-Free Grammars |
E: | Combinatory Categorial Grammar |
F: | Logical Representations of Sentence Meaning |
G: | Word Senses and WordNet |
H: | Phonetics |