Last updated September 28, 2010 |
Jay McClelland's Rumelhart Prize Lecture on the Emergence of
Semantic Cognition
At the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in August,
2010, I received the Rumelhart Prize and
delivered the Rumelhart Prize Lecture. The Video below includes the
ceremonial events including the presentation of the prize, followed by
the lecture itself, which in turn contains an exurpt from a
lecture by Rumelhart introducing the PDP framework in a talk at
Stanford in 1987. My lecture begins just about 13 minutes into the
recording, available here.
Two other events related to the Rumelhart Prize occurred at the
Cognitive Science society meeting. One was the Rumelhart Prize
Symposium, organized by my former student Tim Rogers, featuring four
outstanding speakers including Tim speaking about topics related to
several themes I have stressed in my work: Graded activation,
interactive processing, and distributed representation. The other was
a special symposium featuring the first 10 Rumelhart prize winners
discussing outstanding questions in cognitive science. The symposium
features another clip of Rumelhart himself speaking about what the
thought, in 1987, were the future issues that needed to be addressed
in the Parallel Distributed Processing framework. These items can all
be found
on The
Science Network, along with interviews of many of the Rumelhart
Prize Winners and other leaders in the field of Cognitive Science.