Teacher Credentialing in California
Multiple and Single Subject Credentials

Like many other states, California has two main teaching credentials plus a few other teaching certificates. Depending on whether the teacher is interested in becoming an elementary school teacher or a secondary school teacher, they would choose from either the Multiple Subject or Single Subject teaching credentials.

The Multiple Subject teaching credential is designed to train teachers to teach in a self-contained classroom in preschool to grade twelve. The self-contained classrooms are usually found at the elementary school level. This type of credential includes a subject matter examination named the MSAT. In addition to this examination, a bachelors degree in any subject and passing the CBEST examination is required before pursing the credential.

The Single Subject teaching credential is designed to train a teacher to teach a specific subject in a departmentalized classroom. For example, teaching math or science at the middle school or high school level. Although, this credential authorizes a teacher to teach in preschool through twelve grades, departmentalized classrooms are usually at the middle school and high school levels. This type of credential includes two subject matter examinations called the PRAXIS and SSAT. As with the multiple subject teaching credential, a bachelors degree in any subject and passing the CBEST examination is required before pursing the credential, in addition to these two examinations.

In addition to these two teaching credentials, there are a few other types of certifications. The Education Specialist Instruction Credential is for teachers of special education students, the Child Development Certificate is for individuals interested in teaching children in childcare and development programs.  Also because California is experiencing a shortage of teachers, there is also an Emergency Permit which only requires a bachelors degree and passing the CBEST examination. There are other certifications that can  be found at the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website.

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