Teacher Credentialing in
Reports on CLAD/BCLAD Certification
The following reports on the B/CLAD credentialing system can
be found in ERIC:
Exploratory Comparisons from the Field: Study of Students from Two Teacher
Credentialing Programs of Cross-Cultural, Language, and Academic Development
(Professional Development Schools and Regular Teacher Education Programs).
by Nena Torrez. (1999). ED428048.
CLAD/BCLAD: California Reforms in the Preparation and Credentialing of
Teachers for a Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Student Population.
by Robert Carlson and Priscilla H. Walton. (1994). ED374670.
The following documents from the Department of Education can also be found
in ERIC:
CLAD/BCLAD Certificate Handbook. (1994). ED373545.
CLAD/BCLAD Examinations. Test Specifications. (1993). ED373546.
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