Return to Access to Standards - California -> Implementation - California -> LAU California -> LAU topThe California Department of Education website has an English Learner's page containing a variety of resources for parents, teachers, and administrators.
Of note are links to:
- a report on how long it takes an English learner to attain proficiency
- an NCBE report about services to English learners
- information regarding the The English Language and Intensive Literacy (ELIL) Program
- information and resources for the Community-Based English Tutoring (CBET) Program
- information and resources for the English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP)
- information and resources for the Emergency Immigrant Education Program (EIEP).
- information for integrating federal and state programs including the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Improving America's Schools Act (IASA).
- a list of Adopted ESL Materials
- a listing for The Language Policy and Leadership Office, Specialized Programs Division