Evaluation - Accountability in California
Public Schools Accountability
Act (PSAA) of 1999
This act is intented to provide for the academic development of students
in California's schools. By June 30, 2002 it will provide a full
evaluation disaggregated by categories including English language learners.
Academic Performance
Index (API) - This is the cornerstone of the PSAA. The purpose
is to measure the performance of schools in terms of student achievement
and assign a single index in order to compare schools and measure growth.
Results from English learners will be included in the school’s API but
data for this subgroup will not be disaggregated until Fall 2001. Although
other indicators will be added as they become available, for the first
2 years the API will be based on the SAT-9 test, which may not be a valid
instrument for evaluating English learners.
California Department of Education School
and District Accountability Division web-site
Includes several resources addressing the needs of English language
learners, mostly PowerPoint presentations. However one report of
interest is Designing
a Standards-Based Accountability System for Language Minority and Immigrant
Student Populations.
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