1. Definitions of culture
– lay out breadth and limitations: including home, classroom and peer culture,
but influences limited to those that affect immigrants to the U.S.
(i.e. not including a broad definition of culture in the home country)
a. (?) Chinese
culture page - From a class by Paul Halsall at Brooklyn College
b. Linda Tong's comments from the teachscape
c. Wendy Cheong's comments from the
teachscape transcript
2. Issues concerning specific
cultures in the U.S.
3. (?)View from non-U.S.
perspective – what is it about the American classroom that is peculiar
and takes effort to adapt to
4. Resources for immigrant
and refugee students
a. Mikio's resource page – sort out general from Hmong resources
- Publications from the National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning (NCRCDSLL) 1991 - 1996. This Center was funded by the U.S. Department of Education through the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) from 1991 to 1995.
- NCBE Online Library: Language & Culture
- The Vygotsky project
- Personalizing Culture Through Anthropological and Educational Perspectives
by Rosemary Henze & Mary Hauser (1999)- Integrating Language and Culture in Middle School American History Classes
by Deborah J. Short (1993)- Sociological Foundations Supporting the Study of Cultural Diversity
by Hugh Mehan (1991)- Syncretic Literacy: Multiculturalism in Samoan-American Families
by Alessandro Duranti & Elinor Ochs (1996)- Literacy Practices in Two Korean-American Communities
by Robin Scarcella, & Kusup Chin (1993)- Common Practices for Uncommon Learners: Addressing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity
by Patricia Anne DiCerbo (2000)- Chinese Parents' Influence on Academic Performance, by Shu Ya Zhang and Angela L. Carrasquillo (1995) [summary] - [full text]
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