Daniela Saban
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and TechnologyGraduate School of Business, Stanford University
Knight Management Center, E-367, Stanford, CA 94305
Email: dsaban "at" stanford "dot" edu
I am an Associate Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.My research agenda explores issues related to the design and operations of online marketplaces, including online matching markets and procurement platforms. I seek to complement methodological work with practice-driven research in collaboration with industry partners, such as a major US dating app, the Chilean government procurement agency, and VolunteerMatch.
My research has been recognized by several awards, including the MSOM Young Scholar Prize that “recognizes exceptional young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to scholarship in operations management,” the 2022 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize, and the 2024 Revenue Management and Pricing Practice Award.
I currently serve as an associate editor for Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, and Operations Research Letters. I served as Program Co-Chair of EC ’24.
I teach an MBA course on Optimization and Simulation Modeling (Base). I am honored to have been selected as a Finalist for the MBA Distinguished Teaching Award in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
Prior to joining Stanford, I spent a semester as a visiting scholar in the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley. I received my PhD in Decision, Risk, and Operations from Columbia Business School. I hold a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
M. Olivares, D. Saban, G. Weintraub, E. Lara, P. Zanocco and P. Moreno, Saving Millions in Government Procurement Through Data Science and Market Design.
Winner, Revenue Management & Pricing Practice Award, 2024.
V. Manshadi, S. Rodilitz, D. Saban, A. Suresh, Redesigning VolunteerMatch's Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers.
Finalist, Revenue Management & Pricing Practice Award, 2024.
Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG, 2024.
Winner, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Video Award, 2023.
Honorable mention, Doing Good with Good OR Student Paper Competition, 2023 – Entrant: A. Suresh.
I. Morgenstern, D. Saban, D. Singhvi , and S. Singhvi , Design of Resale Platforms.
V. Manshadi, S. Rodilitz, D. Saban, A. Suresh, Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic, Management Science, Forthcoming.
Preliminary version accepted in the 23th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '22), 2022.
K. Bimpikis, I. Morgenstern and D. Saban, Data Tracking under Competition, Operations Research, 72(2), 514-532, 2024.
Preliminary version in the 22th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '21), 2021.
Accepted for a Spotlight Presentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, 2021.
Priliminary version in the proceedings of the 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE '21), 2021.
Accepted for a Spotlight Presentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, 2022. I. Rios, D. Saban and F. Zheng, Improving Match Rates in Dating Markets Through Assortment Optimization, M&SOM, 25(4), 1304-1323, 2023.
Honorable mention in the 2020-2021 M&SOM Practice-Based Research Competition.
Preliminary version in the 22th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '21), 2021.
A. Aouad and D. Saban, Online Assortment Optimization for Two-sided Matching Platforms, Management Science, 69(4), 2069-2087, 2023.
Preliminary version in the 22th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '21), 2021.
Accepted for a Spotlight Presentation, Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, 2021.
J. Choi, D. Saban and G. Weintraub, The Design of Optimal Pay-as-Bid Procurement Mechanisms, M&SOM, 25(2), 613-630, 2023.
I. Ashlagi, A. Krishnaswamy, R. Makhijani, D. Saban and K. Shiragur, Assortment Planning for Two-sided Sequential Matching Markets, Operations Research, Forthcoming.
Priliminary version in the proceedings of the 16th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE '20), 2020.
Y. Gur, G. Macnamara and D. Saban, Sequential Procurement through Contractual and Observational Learning, Management Science, 68(4), 2714--2731, 2021.
Y. Kanoria and D. Saban, Facilitating the Search for Partners on Matching Platforms, Management Science, 67(10) 5969--6627, 2021.
Featured article; associated article in Management Science Review.
Preliminary version in the 18th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '17), 2017.
R. Beer, I. Rios and D. Saban, Increased Transparency in Procurement: The Role of Peer Effects, Management Science, 67(12) 7511--7534, 2021.
Second place, Best Working Paper - Behavioral Operations Management Section, 2018.
D. Saban and G. Weintraub, Procurement Mechanisms for Assortments of Differentiated Products, Operations Research, 69(3), 795--820, 2021.
Preliminary version in the 16th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '15), 2015.
Second place, M&SOM Best Student Paper Competition, 2015.
J. Birge, O. Candogan, H. Chen and D. Saban, Optimal Commissions and Subscriptions in Networked Markets, M&SOM, 23(3), 569--588, 2021.
Preliminary version in the 19th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '18), 2018.
K. Bimpikis, O. Candogan and D. Saban, Spatial Pricing in Ride-Sharing Networks, Operations Research, 67(3), 744--769, 2019.
Winner of the 2022 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize.
Runner up in the 2021 Service Management SIG Prize.
Accepted to the Service Operations SIG, 2017.
Y. Kanoria, D. Saban and J. Sethuraman, Convergence to the Core in Assignment Markets, Operations Research, 66(3):597-892, 2018. (Electronic Companion)
Preliminary version in the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '15), 2015.
Y. Gur, D. Saban and N. Stier-Moses, The Competitive Facility Location Problem in a Duopoly, Operations Research, 2018, 66 (4), 1058-1067.
Prelimary version in the 8th Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE '12), 2012.
D. Saban and J. Sethuraman, The Complexity of Computing the Random Priority Allocation Matrix, Mathematics of Operations Research, 40:4, 1005-1014, 2015.
Prelimary version in the 10th Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE '14), 2014.
D. Saban and J. Sethuraman, A Note on Object Allocation under Lexicographic Preferences, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 50, 283-289, 2014.
D. Saban and J. Sethuraman, House Allocation with Indifferences: A Generalization and a Unified View, Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC '13), 2013.
F. Bonomo, J. Marenco, D. Saban and N. Stier-Moses (2012), A Polyhedral Study of the Maximum Edge Subgraph Problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics , 160:18, 2573--2590, 2012.
Proceedings of the V Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS '09), 2009.
F. Bonomo, A. Cardemil, G. Duran, J. Marenco and D. Saban (2012), An Application of the Traveling Tournament Problem: The Argentine Volleyball League, Interfaces, 42 (3), 245--259, 2012.
D. Saban, F. Bonomo and N. Stier-Moses (2010), Analysis and Models of Bilateral Investment Treaties using a Social Networks Approach, Physica A, 389(17), 3661--3673, 2010.
OIT 245: Optimization and Simulation Modeling (Base)
Core MBA class for first-year MBAs
Fall 2016-17, Fall 2018-19, Fall 2020-21, Fall 2021-22, Fall 2023-24
I am honored to have been selected as a Finalist for the MBA Distinguished Teaching Award in AYs 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
OIT 666: Engineering Online Markets
PhD class intended for OIT, MS&E, CS, and Econ students
Winter 2017-18, Winter 2019-20
OIT 606: Advanced Topics in Optimization
PhD class intended for OIT students
Fall 2023-24